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& regulations called Vinaya) like is the life of mortals; Hard is the “piece-meal” work. Our effort to
any Transformational leader, he is hearing of the Dhamma, Rare is the develop Dhamma leaders must be
always in-touch with his disciples Appearance of the Buddha”. well thought-through, systematic
to ensure behavioral and mindset and sustainable. Our focus should
changes happen individually. This Like the Buddha, every good not just be developing the existing
leadership philosophy is well Dhamma leader must learn to leaders, but also the emerging
clarified in Dhammapada 183. As a appreciate life and empathize leaders of the next decades. Hence,
great leader, he wants us to not just the pains of mortal being. Being we need to be actively scouting for
be successful but also living a happy a leader is not about being busy leadership talents, identifying them
life filled with blessings. to run activities. Our success as and subsequently developing them
Dhamma leaders is not measured for the future.
The Buddha advocates the by the quantity of things we do.
roadmap to self-transformation Our leadership role is to facilitate To do this, d’CRADLE was
by asking us to abandon unskillful the awakening of Buddha-nature conceptualized in collaboration
habits, build skillful habits and in the lives of people we encounter. with Theravada Buddhist Council
most importantly; a shift of our With that, we hope to see them of Malaysia (TBCM) as a strategic
paradigm in life. By believing and riding above the waves of Samsara initiative for the Buddhist
practicing these 3 things, he led with a simple realization that: Community. If the Christians have
many individuals to great worldly “Suffering is Optional, Happiness is the Bible College and Christian
and spiritual heights. To me, these always a Choice”. Training Centre (CTC) to train
are hallmarks of great leaders. pastors, Christian leaders and
Apart from GLAD, there are Christian Workers, what do we
Can you share some of the many other skill-based programs have in our Dhamma Community?
programs you have developed to that we designed to ensure I personally feel that we should
coach Buddhist leaders? Dhamma leaders’ capability & not leave to mere chance in
competencies are enhanced. identifying and developing our
I believe the development or Dhamma leaders need to learn to Dhamma leaders.
making of a great Buddhist leader be good Influencers, Social-media
begins with right mindset (Right savvy and in the fore-front of Taking the Buddha as our role-
View & Right Intention). Without a latest methodology of outreach. model, we should make conscious
right mindset, no amount of skills In d’CRADLE, programs such as effort in making choices to develop
training can be of any benefit to the Digital Dhammaduta, Dhamma our leaders well. The Buddha
individuals and our community. Influencing through Story-telling, personally chose his disciples,
Hence, in training or developing Host as Influencer Program (HIP), developed, mentored them and
our Dhamma leaders, re-framing Compassion in Action, Reach and eventually made them into leaders
and reshaping their minds to Engage (CARE) program, Building of their own rights. In the Sangha
understand their leadership roles Dhamma-Inspired Teams program Order; great monastic individuals
and instilling a stronger sense of and many more are made available like Ven. Ananda, Ven. Sariputta,
Mission will be our key focus. for the development of our leaders. Ven. Moggallana and Ven. Maha
Kassapa are leaders of their own
To achieve this, we designed a How and where do you identify rights, each with his own unique
signature program called Great Buddhist leaders to be developed? capabilities and strengths.
Leadership Awakening with
Dhamma (GLAD) based on the In developing our Community What is the biggest challenge
verses of Dhammapada 182: “Rare Dhamma leaders, I always take (or major challenges) facing the
is the birth as a human being, Hard a stand that we should not do Buddhist community today which