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P. 41
as Buddhist leaders they should Well, it may be too premature to Recognizing the power of social
urgently address? claim success in our efforts. However, media in Dhammaduta work, we
there have been some notable introduced the Digital Dhammaduta
In my opinion, there are many progress that we have made in the program way back in 2019
issues and challenges that our leadership development work. (facilitated by Koh Mui Han) and
Dhamma leaders must urgently later 2 more sessions in 2020 and
take into consideration and address. For the last few years, we have 2021 (Johor Bahru).
I guess the biggest challenge is conducted 10 GLAD Programs with
the complacency attitude of our about 180 participants attendees In fact, when the pandemic
leaders. For the last few decades, and many of them (GLADians) happened in early 2020, some
we have stopped being self-critical have either stepped-up to be of the key participants of Digital
in the way we run and manage our the EXCO of Buddhist societies Dhammaduta program pioneered
Buddhist organizations. We are or started to be more actively the usage of on-line platform via
quick to be “contented” with the so- involved in Dhammaduta work. Zoom, StreamYard and Facebook
called “proven and run-of-the-mill” Take for example, Wong Suh Chean live-stream for their respective
type of activities, which could be of Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society Buddhist societies; thereby
outdated. In many areas of Dhamma who went for the Presidency after garnering more viewers than
outreach work, we have stopped completing her GLAD 1 program. actual physical capacity during
innovating to stay relevant with Dr Gun Suk Chyn of Sudhamma pre-covid times.
the changing times. For example, Seremban disclosed that her
the Sunday School model that we renewed sense of mission to serve In general, the seeds we planted
used, had been around for the past the Buddha-Sasana came right after have brought about a renewed
60 years or more. Sadly, very little her GLAD 7 and JEDI programs. commitment and a greater
concerted efforts had been made by Another person worth mentioning awareness for many Buddhists to be
our community leaders to review is Lee Weoi Li from Klang. Apart Mission-focused. We definitely like
and revamp it. from being the key technical to see this rekindled Dhammaduta
person behind most of the on- spirit spread far and wide as we
The other glaring challenge that line Dhamma talks, he has found intensify our Dhamma Leadership
I noticed is the inability of our a renewed spirit to step forward development initiatives in the
leaders to continue learning and to be the new President of Mudita coming years. EH
upgrading themselves so that they Buddhist Society.
can stay relevant in serving the
Buddha-Sasana better. Serving the Team-wise, the Johor GLADians
Sasana is indeed noble, but leaders (from GLAD 5) under the mentorship
must also set priorities to learn, of Dr. Punna Wong are instrumental
practice the Dhamma and enhance in the successful run of “Breaking
their professionalism. Without that, Myths” series and MettaNet Cell
it’s hard to see the desired progress Group. This similar development is
and outcomes. also seen elsewhere in Seremban,
Taiping and in some of the Buddhist
Can you share some success groups in the Klang Valley.
stories which can be attributed
to the leadership training that Another notable success story is
Buddhist leaders have gone the increased digital savviness of
through? our Dhamma leaders and workers.