Page 39 - EH66
P. 39
The rise and fall of any organization As to the question of whether there lead individuals to undergo self-
depend a lot on how an organization are fundamental differences between transformation (with less greed, less
is being led by their leaders. Great Western model of leadership and hatred and less delusion), we would
Buddhist organizations usually have Buddhist Leadership; I found have failed as a Dhamma leader.
leaders who are virtuous, visionary, that fundamentally, the traits and
exercise good judgements and skills required to be a leader are In what ways would you say
lead with clear directions whilst somewhat similar in nature. I the Buddha displayed great
providing a strong sense of purpose guess the key difference lies in the leadership qualities which
(mission). Over the years of my motivation or purpose of leadership. we could emulate or apply in
active involvements, I found these the development of today’s
leadership traits to be sorely lacking The Buddha’s leadership to me is Buddhist leaders?
in our Buddhist Community. I often called “Enlightened Leadership”
asked myself what we could have which embodies two great The Buddha is the embodiment
done differently and significantly? complimentary qualities of of all qualities that a great
The reflection led me to the idea of wisdom and compassion. While leader should have. He is wise,
setting up the Centre of Research & most leadership models advocate compassionate, visionary and yet
Dhamma Leadership Enhancement the importance of leading a team down-to-earth in his approaches.
(d’CRADLE) back in 2018. With of people for achievement of a His concern is not about making
the initiative, we embarked on a shared goal, Buddhist leadership himself great (which he already
series of programs to develop and ultimately is about individual’s is with his enlightenment) but in
enhance the leadership capability transformation (and liberation ensuring his people are equally wise
of our Dhamma leaders. Time has from suffering). We can lead a and compassionate. As Tom Peters,
changed. So must our Dhamma “successful” Buddhist organization the Guru of Transformation says:
leaders’ mindset and skillsets. So with variety of activities and have “Leaders don’t create followers.
must the way we look at the issue active participation of members. They create more leaders”.
of leadership in the context of But at the end of the day, if all these While leading a big “organization”
Dhammaduta. well-participated activities do not called Sangha (with proper rules