Page 12 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 12

Very important point — the Noble Eightfold Path falls quite
             naturally into two great divisions. The first of these is known as

             the Path of Vision (darsana-marga), the second as the Path of
             Transformation (bhavanamarga). Thus the Noble Eightfold Path
             comprises two lesser 'Paths', in the sense of two successive

             stages. While the Path of Vision corresponds to the first anga, or
             so called step, i.e. Perfect Vision; the Path of Transformation

             corresponds to the seven remaining ‘steps', Perfect Emotion,
             Perfect Speech, Perfect Action, Perfect Livelihood, Perfect Effort,
             Perfect Mindfulness and Perfect Meditation. The significance of

             this distribution is that Perfect Vision represents the phase of
             initial spiritual insight and experience, whereas the rest of the

             Eightfold Path represents the transformation of one's whole
             being, in all its heights and depths, in all its aspects, in
             accordance with that initial insight and experience. It represents

             a complete and thoroughgoing transformation of one's
             emotional life, speech, communication with others, livelihood

             and so on, although not necessarily in this order. One may, for
             instance, transform one's livelihood, which is the fifth 'step',
             before one's speech, which is only the third; but eventually, in

             one way or another, the whole being is to be transformed, in its
             heights and in its depths, conscious and unconscious.

             The Arising of Perfect Vision
             Now this initial spiritual experience, as I have called it — this

             Perfect Vision or Path of Vision — may arise in different ways for
             different people. There is no uniform pattern. Indeed, the great

             variety that exists among people shows itself in spiritual life also.
             It shows itself in the way in which they enter upon the spiritual
             path: the way in which the Path of Vision arises for them.

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