Page 15 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 15

Thus the Path of Vision may arise for different people in all

               these different ways. For some it has even arisen in a dream!
               (In Bucke's Cosmic Consciousness there is the remarkable case
               of a man who had a very vivid 'archetypal' dream which

               completely altered the whole course of his life). However the
               Path of Vision may arise, we should be very careful not to lose

               it, not to forget it. This happens very easily for, as the poet
               says, 'the world is too much with us.' We may have an
               experience so wonderful that we might think we will never

               forget it, but after a short time, after a few days or weeks, it's
               no longer there. It is as though it had never been. So we should

               cherish it, cultivate it, dwell upon it — try to deepen it, to
               clarify it — try to develop it, all the time. We should eventually

               try to permeate and transform with it our whole being, our
               whole life.

               To sum up we may say that the aim of this great Buddhist
               teaching of the Path of Vision and the Path of Transformation

               is to enable us to bring the whole of our life — our whole
               being, our whole existence, on all levels — up to the level of its
               highest moments. This is what it means to evolve spiritually.

               This is what it means to follow the Noble Eightfold Path. It
               means to achieve Perfect Vision by one means or another and

               then transform our whole being in accordance with that vision.

               The Nature of Existence

               What, then, is Perfect Vision? In the literature of Buddhism
               there are many expositions of Right Understanding, as Perfect

               Vision is generally called. One might even say that there are
               too many of them, for some expositions are not very helpful
               and may even be

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