Page 13 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 13

For some people it arises as the result of personal tragedy, of
              bereavement or loss of one kind or another. Their whole

              existence is disturbed and upset as though by a great
              earthquake in which everything they had cherished or held dear

              is laid low. In this wreck, this ruin of their lives, they start
              questioning, start looking deeper, start wondering about the
              meaning and purpose of existence.

              For other people Perfect Vision may arise by way of what we

              may describe as a spontaneous mystical experience. (l don't like
              this word 'mystical', which for many people is redolent of

              mystery and mystery-mongering; but we don't have a better
              word, so let us not hesitate to use it). One can find a number of
              such instances collected in Bucke's Cosmic Consciousness

              (1901), a book which is still worth reading. Indeed it is surprising
              how many people have had, at one time or another, an

              experience of this kind: some rare moment of ecstasy, or
              insight, or maybe of a tremendous love, which, apparently
              without any preparation, possessed one, swept one away, lifted

              one up into a new dimension and completely altered one's
              whole outlook on life. Under the heading of mystical experience

              can be included our experience of nature, as when we are
              overwhelmed by the sight of some wonderful sunset, or when,
              in the midst of the countryside we experience a great, all-

              pervading peace, stillness and tranquility.

              Sometimes again, the Path of Vision can arise when we are
              looking at a beautiful painting, or listening to music. On such

              occasions, we can be carried away into a new dimension of

              For some people it arises as a result of deep and pro-longed
              thought. They endeavour to reach out and grasp

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