Page 14 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 14

the truth by means of the intellect. They try to plumb the
               depths of being with reason and logic. This is the way of the

               thinker, the philosopher, the sage. Some people actually think
               their way through to Reality, to the Path of Vision.

               For others it may arise in quite a different way, as a result of
               the practice of meditation. When the mind has been

               systematically stilled, and when, though thoughts have been
               banished, clear consciousness still persists, then under these
               conditions also, Perfect Vision may arise.

               Sometimes it may arise for those who are engaged in, and even

               while they are actually in the midst of altruistic activities such
               as nursing the sick and looking after the old — those who,
               sacrificing themselves and their personal interests, are

               completely selfless on the plane of work and activity. For them
               too, even though they may not know it in the ordinary sense of

               the term, the Path of Vision may arise.

               Finally, it may arise, for some people at least, out of their whole

               experience of life — especially as they grow older and, it is to
               be hoped, more mature. When all the different threads

               seemingly come together, and the pattern of their lives begins
               to make some kind of sense, to reflect some glimmer of
               meaning, then, out of the depths of their simple human

               maturity, Perfect Vision may arise. I am not suggesting that
               wisdom comes automatically with age. Far from it! If such were

               the case we need not take the trouble to acquire wisdom when
               young. But certainly for those who have led a truly human life,
               for them, as they mellow and perhaps sweeten a little and as

               their experience clarifies, the Path of Vision may sometimes

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