Page 16 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 16

misleading. Under the heading of Right Understanding some

               writers on Buddhism would apparently like to include the
               whole of Buddhist doctrine. It is as though whatever could not
               be included under any other heading is squeezed in here. After

               all, it is all a matter of Right Understanding: it is all something
               to be understood. So in it all goes — the whole doctrine, the

               whole teaching, the whole philosophy. This tends to create the
               wrong impression. Students of Buddhism often think, I have
               found, that Right Understanding, as qne first step of the Noble

               Eightfold Path means making a thorough study of the whole of
               Buddhist thought, and taking a sort of Ph.D in Buddhist

               Philosophy. They think that before you can start walking on the
               Noble Eightfold Path you have to learn all about the
               Madhyamikas and the Yogacarins, the Sarvastivadin; and the

               Sautrantikas, as well as about the T'ien T 'ai school and the
               Avatamsaka school etc., etc. Only then, they think, can you put

               your foot on the Path and start practising Buddhism. But really
               it is not like that at all. Samyag-drsti, it must be emphasized, is
               just Perfect Vision. It has nothing to do with the study of the

               schools of Buddhist philosophy. It is a Vision and, as such,
               something simple, direct and immediate, and more of the

               nature of spiritual experience than intellectual understanding.
               Of course, the experience, the insight, can be expressed
               intellectually, in terms of doctrinal concepts, philosophical

               systems and so on, but it is not identical with these. The Vision
               itself stands apart, stands above.

               So what is this Perfect Vision? Though one may say it is a vision
               of the nature of existence, still the question remains: what is

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