Page 49 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 49

The above findings are indicating that there are differences between those who
                 have converted out of TCR and TCR adherents. The converts are more passionate about

                 their religion especially among the Catholics, Protestants and Muslims. Quite a number of
                 them are strong believers. However, the differences are expected. TCR is declining. In
                 such a scenario, it is not logical to expect TCR adherents’ conviction (as reported in the

                 previous chapter) towards their religions to be high.

                 3.4 Conversion Agents

                 The  main  agents  that  contribute  to  the  decision  towards  the  religious  conversion  of  the
                 respondents  are  family  (30.56%),  friends  (16.67%),  marriage  or  spouse  (15.74%)  and
                 religious  teachings  (15.74%)  (see  Figure  3.8).  Meanwhile,  among  the  seventeen

                 respondents  who  cited  religious  teachings  as  the  biggest  contributor  to  their  religious
                 conversion, slightly more than half (52.9%) are Protestants. Respondents who converted to
                 all  the  other  religions  also  cited  religious  teachings,  except  for  the  Hindu  and  Seth

                 respondents.  The  Hindu  respondent  cited  family  as  the  agent  that  contributed  to  her
                 conversion  while  friends  were  cited  by  the  Seth  respondent.  A  few  respondents  cited

                 personal reasons such as personal encounter, personal experience and self-discovery as
                 the main causes of their conversion. Based on these findings, it can be said that quite a
                 number of them decided to leave TCR on their own. These respondents made the decision

                 after being influenced by their friends and media, or after they have given a deep thought on
                 their religiosity.

                                              0.93%  0.93%              Family
                                       2.78%                0.93%
                                                                        Marriage / Spouse
                                                                        Media 媒体
                                   15.74%                               My own research, reading and talks with other people
                                                                        Own preference
                     0.93%      8.33%
                                                                        Personal encounter
                                                                        Personal experience
                                                                        Religious Activities
                                                       16.67%           Religious Teachings
                       0.93%                                            School
                      0.93%                                             self discovery
                                1.85%                                   Social media and enviroment
                                                                        through research comparative religion

                                              Figure 3.8. Conversion agents.

   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54