Page 50 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 50

3.5 Factors Behind the Conversions

                 3.5.1 Dissatisfied with previous religion

                 Based on the findings revealed in Figure 3.9, not many respondents have clearly stated that
                 they are satisfied with their previous religions. Only 24.1 percent of the respondents who

                 were  formerly  Buddhist  stated  their  satisfaction  with  their  previous  religion  while  21.33
                 percent of the respondents who were Taoist expressed similar feedback. Satisfaction was
                 also expressed by 27.5 percent of the respondents who used to practice the Chinese folk

                 religions. By indicating so, these respondents are saying that their previous religions matched
                 their expectations. Therefore, for this group of respondents, the level of their satisfaction with
                 their previous religions is not the main reason that caused them to convert. Further research

                 is needed to understand the reason that caused this group of respondents to convert out of
                 TCR despite claiming that they are either satisfied or very satisfied with TCR. However, it is
                 highly possible that their conversion was caused by the conversion of their family or spouse

                 to  non-TCR.  As  shown  in  Figure  3.10,  “family”  has  been  indicated  by  50  percent  of
                 respondents who are very satisfied with their previous religions (TCR) as the reason that

                 caused them to convert to non-TCR. Another 12.5 percent of them converted out due to
                 marriage while 25 percent cited “friends” as the main cause. The other 33.55 percent of this
                 group of respondents chose religious activities and teachings of non-TCR as the main cause.


                                    7.41%           7.14%           7.50%

                                    16.67%         14.29%          20.00%       (5) Very satisfied

                                                                                (4) Satisfied
                                                                                (3) Neutral
                                    59.26%                         57.50%

                                                                                (2) Unsatisfied
                       20.00%                      28.57%
                                    11.11%                         10.00%       (1) Very unsatisfied
                                    5.56%           7.14%           5.00%
                                  Buddhism         Taoism      Traditional Chinese

                                    Figure 3.9. Satisfaction with previous religious belief.

   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55