Page 51 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 51


                  40.00%  36.84%

                                        25.00%                                                Satisfied
                                               21.05%                          21.05%         Very satisfied
                                                  12.50%                12.50%
                                                           5.26%     5.26%
                                                              0.00%                0.00%
                            Family    Friends   Marriage /  Media    Religious  Religious
                                                 Spouse              Activities  Teachings

                   Figure 3.10. Most important factors that caused respondents who are satisfied with TCR
                                                        to convert.

                        Nonetheless,  the  findings  show  many  respondents  of  this  survey  are  actually
                 dissatisfied  with  their  previous  religions  (see  Figure  3.9).  The  number  of  dissatisfied
                 respondents is significantly higher than those who are satisfied, e.g. 35.71 percent of the

                 respondents  who  used  to  be  Taoists  indicated  that  they  are  either  dissatisfied  or  very
                 dissatisfied. This is followed by those who used to be Buddhists (16.67%) and Chinese folk
                 religionists (15%). Many respondents chose ‘neutral’ as their answer when asked to express

                 their level of satisfaction towards their previous religions, as 59.26 percent of those who were
                 Buddhists did so, followed by those who were Chinese folk religionists (57.5%) and Taoists

                 (42.86%). These respondents did not specify their satisfaction conclusively. Therefore, their
                 choice of ‘neutral’ shows some level of dissatisfaction.

                        The dissatisfaction among the respondents towards their previous religions might be

                 caused by many factors. Some of the possible factors have been examined and the results
                 are listed in the table below:

   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56