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Journeying into the New...

                                                             Dear Reader,
               CONTENT                                       I  am  very  excited  to  meet  you!  My  name  is

                                                             Jacqui Wilson, and I am the founder of Chris-
                                                             tian Children’s Empowerment (CCE).  At CCE,
                                                             we empower children through the Word of God
                           1                                 in a variety of ways. We
                                                             have weekly bible study
                Article: Run On!                             classes, we  do  commu-
                Fun: Bible Trivia                            nity  service/  mission
                                                             work,  we  go  on  trips,
                                                             and  we  write.  Yes,  we

                           2                                 write!  The  articles  in
                                                             this  magazine  you  are
        Article: Through Her Death,                          holding have been writ-
                                                             ten by children who are
                   I Keep Going                              a  part  of  our  program.
        Bible Scripture of the Month                         They  are  called  Kid
                                                             Contributors       because
                                                             we  feel  children  have

                           3                                 something to add to this
                                                             story  called  life.  When  we  started  this  maga-

              Article: Friendsmas                            zine, we wanted a magazine where children had
                                                             an opportunity to express themselves in a posi-
             Fun: Bible Scrambler                            tive way, to experience growth, to improve their
         Recipe Idea: Grilled Peanut                         language  skills,  and  to  empower  one  another,
                                                             and they did just that! Now, we are taking the
          Butter and Jelly Sandwich                          magazine to the next level. We are moving from

                                                             an online only program to print. As we start this
                                                             transition, we can hardly contain our excitement
                           4                                 because it means bigger and better things for the
                                                             children  who  participate  in  our  programming.
       Article:  Jesus Affects the Past,                     The  best  part  of  our  program  is  that  children

              Present, and Future                            from all over the world can be a part of what we
                                                             do along with their families, churches, organiza-
       Article: Jesus Is the Only Way                        tions, and communities. So, I invite you to learn
                                                             more  about  CCE.  Visit  our  website  at
                                                   ,  or
                           5                                 use the short link, Explore

                                                             who we are, what we do, and get ready for more
                 Fun: Word Find                              issues of The Saturday Special Christian Chil-

                                                             dren’s Magazine.

                      Order a subscription.  Go to
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