Page 6 - TSS V5 I12
P. 6
Jesus Affects the Past, Jesus Is the
Present, and Future Only Way
By Makayla Sparkman, By Taseanna Gleaves,
CCE Kid Contributor CCE Kid Contributor
While discussing Jesus’s birth and One of the most important things
purpose, I learned something very that I have learned is that Jesus is
important. Jesus not only affected the only way to God. Jesus tells us
the past but the present and future this in John 14:6. He says, “I am the
also. When Jesus came to die on way, and the truth, and the life. No
the cross, he thought about every- one comes to the Father except
one. He thought about the people through me” (ESV). No matter
who were present on the night he what others say or how good it
was born, and he thought about sounds, no other way to God exists.
those who would soon learn and You must go through Jesus, and
know that he is our Savior. John there is no way around it. Jesus is
3:16 says, “For God so loved the our connection to God. He existed
world, that he gave his only begot- as a man and exists as God. Thus,
ten Son, that whosoever believeth in we must stay connected to Jesus to
him should not perish, but have ev- get to God. Yes, things in life may
erlasting life” (KJV). He loved all get rough, but you must stay com-
of us, he died for all of us, and as mitted to Jesus. You must keep go-
long as the world exists, he will be a ing. You must put your trust in God
part of our past, present, and future. and his plan. Keep the connection,
and keep on to God.