Page 77 - TFWA World Exhibit 2023 Special Edition
P. 77
Helping the small brand compete against the big boys:
Walter Aguilar shares his successful secrets in a best-selling book
Independent global brand consultant accessories. And then I focused on liquor
Walter Aguilar has written a book which and tobacco. What I learned from the
quickly became an Amazon best seller perfume companies helped me a lot when
when it was released earlier this year. we were trying to build the ultra-premium
Aguilar, who has a long history of working rum category,” says Aguilar.
with luxury brands in all key product “When I first got Zacapa it was $17.
categories along with time on the retail side I said we needed to push to create the
of the business, tells TMI that his particular ultra-premium rum category as Grey Goose
career journey gives him the perfect set of did with vodka. That brand inspired us to
tools to help a brand go to the next level. position Zacapa as a leader, to create this
“The book is called Create: Luxury ultra-premium rum category, which was
Brand. It is for any entrepreneur who wants not commercial then. We opened Shanghai,
to position their brand or company in a Beijing, Dubai. We opened all the key
better way. It has all to do with branding, airports. We made a case study for Dufry
some basic principles, some real true Mexico, and then we became the reference
stories, especially cases that I worked on. with Zacapa for the ultra-premium rum
And cases of other successful brands, like category.”
LVMH,” says Aguilar. “The brands that I have helped in
“The book is mainly geared towards the past include Zacapa, Botran on a
somebody who has a brand and wants to global basis, and Cihuatan, which was
take it to a different level. The book is coming from a non-traditionally known
not for experts. It is not for people who rum producing country to become a very
are already selling. It is more for brands important rum brand now.” consulting for Oliver Rums.
that are just going to be created, or have Today Aguilar is an independent Aguilar says the environment is
been here for a while and are trying to global brand consultant through his different today than it was when he first
globalize,” he says. company AguilarW & Co. brought Zacapa to the market.
“If someone has a brand that is just “I help brands achieve specific “I think now it is different than 20-
starting they don’t have the budget, the objectives through a global network that 30 years ago. It is interesting how it has
network. They don’t have all the resources I have. I also do branding, positioning, evolved. But today I think you can actually
that the bigger brands have. I have learned communicating. I have a team in various compete and win. Today a brand can
how to be a small brand and compete with countries and continents that help me with actually communicate with the consumer
the big guys, so why should I not share specific projects. Some projects are just and listen to them. You have to understand
that?” in Latin America, some are global, some what people want, what the consumer
In his book, Aguilar explores the are branding, some are travel retail. If needs. I think in today’s world a new
fundamental principles that drive the the company has an export or marketing emerging brand can compete and make
success of luxury brands, including their department I work very closely with them. it if it has discipline, a clear plan, and is
unique positioning, exclusivity, and I help them to make fewer mistakes and get surrounded by the correct professionals.”
storytelling. He delves into the psychology there faster more efficiently with a lower Publishing his book has given Aguilar
of luxury, understanding the emotional budget,” he says. more visibility and helped grow his brand.
connection that consumers have with “I’ve worked directly with brands “I was invited to be a speaker at
luxury brands and how to create that and negotiated with key luxury brands, eWMS (electronic World Marketing
connection for your brand. including all the top perfumes and Summit) in November directly by Philip
“Whether you are a new entrepreneur, cosmetics, liquor, and confectionery Kotler, the father of modern marketing,” he
a marketing professional, or a seasoned brands.” says. “I am also working on a publication
business owner looking to take your brand Aguilar is currently working with Ron with them and leading university INCAE
to the next level, this book provides you Carupano from Venezuela and Sliabh Liag to write a success case of the work that
with the tools and insights needed to create Distillers from Ireland. has been done with brands from Central
a luxury brand that resonates with your “With Carupano I am working America that will be used as study cases in
target audience and stands the test of time.” on a global basis to enter international universities.”
Aguilar’s luxury brand bona fides markets. We’ve launched Japan earlier Aguilar’s book is already a successful
began with the introduction of Ron Zacapa this year. We’re now in Mexico, Australia. case study.
Centenario into the worldwide travel retail And we’ve launched in Costa Rica and “The book became a bestseller in
industry. He ended up helping to create the Honduras,” he says. “With Sliabh Liag Amazon. It’s absolutely crazy. So I wrote it
super- and ultra-premium rum categories. Distillers I work specifically for Latin in English. And then I published it also in
“My first nine years were mainly America.” Spanish soon after that. It’s an e-book and
focusing on perfume, cosmetics, and Aguilar has also recently began now available in hardcopy.”
77 October 2023
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