P. 4

In Paisa culture there is a diversity of foods such as sancocho, mazamorra, arepa,

        empanadas but the most typical food found in each restaurant AND / OR
        Antioqueña house of the region par excellence, is the paisa tray, A fundamental

        characteristic of this dish is its enormous abundance, both in quantity and in

        variety of foods, so that the complete tray can only be served in large dishes called
        trays. Which composes a series of ingredients: White rice, Ground beef,

        Chicharrón, Fried egg, Patacón, Chorizo Antioqueño, Arepa Antioqueña, Hogao

        With tomato and
        Onion, Frisasles, Cargamanto, Sliced Tomato Verde, Avocado, ripe plantain slices

        and where it is accompanied with mazamorra, and others prefer it with a drink of

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