P. 7

The customs have their own characteristics, very different from other regions of Colombia. The Paisas or
          Antioqueños are famous for their bargaining customs and at the same time sell whatever. Another particular

          custom is that, any conversation can finish in business. Something that paisas also have is that they really like

          soccer, and it has become almost a cultural tradition, The Paisas also have an excellent sense of humor, full of
          mischief, the paisas love and in the form of challenging the paisas can be in jokes or trovas, the "trovas", are one of

          the paisas customs, very famous in the fair of flowers that are made every year. In short, the customs of paisa are

          to work in whatever, drink aguardiente, smoke tobacco, ride a mule, play dice, doing business, creating companies,

          admiring women, laughing without grief, being fresh, eating frijoles with arepa and aguapanela, be a collaborator,
          andariego and TRIUNFADOR.
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