P. 9
Treasures of architecture in the mother city of the Paisas, Santa Fe de
Antioquia. Cathedral of Manizales, located in the Plaza de Bolívar.
It is said in the manner in which the house was built in the Paisa region of
Colombia, especially since the colonial era (16th century) until well into the
20th century.
An evidently Creole architecture with a strong Hispanic element coming
from the Spanish colonial architecture, and expressed in the use of common
materials in the prehispanic dwelling (see bahareque).
The traditional paisa housing is wide, always thought in terms of large
families. It had features such as the hallway, the interior patio, large
windows and terracotta tiles. The Paisa town evidently follows the Spanish
distribution: at the center the Church, which presides over the main park
and, around the park, the town hall or town hall. The main streets of the
village start from the park, normally aligned (all the streets lead to the