Page 17 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 17

Table 9: Chi-Square Tests Between XL Catlin &       merge pink & red; yellow & orange (specific shade used);
                               Apple                          purple & blue, we can see that the rankings and prefer-
                                                              ences change drastically. Thus, we can see that colour pref-
                                Value     df   Asymptotic     erences do shift with changing context.
                                                              Meanings/Values attributed to colours
          Pearson Chi-Square   14.424a    16       .567
                                                              in general
          Likelihood Ratio     14.340     16       .573
                                                              This section analyses the segment of the questionnaire
          Linear-by-Linear      3.936     1        .047
                                                              where participants were asked to write down the feelings/
                                                              emotions they attribute to the three colours in the purview
                                                              of this research. Word/Text analysis was then done on the
            Table 9: Chi-Square Tests Between Apple &         data to gain the following insights.

                                Value     df   Asymptotic         Table 10: Initial Data Range of Words
                                               Significance                       Provided
                                                              Feature/Colour     Red        Blue       Yellow
          Pearson Chi-Square   38.084a    16       .001       Unique Words       55         59         73
          Likelihood Ratio     36.810     16       .002       Lexical Density    40.4%      41.8       51.4%
          Linear-by-Linear      13.562    1        .000
          Association                                         The above table shows the number of unique words and
                                                              the lexical density (complexity) of the word range provided.
         With the above data, we conclude that colours did not  This can be used to infer the degree of universality which
         completely change their preference across the three ad-  the three colours command. We can see that Red has the
         vertisements and that there is a strong relation amongst  least unique words while Yellow has the most. The next
         the choices presented in the three advertisements. The re-  segment, we combined various synonyms in order to get
         sults of XL Catlin & Apple seem to have a relationship but  the most unique meaning words and their frequency. A
         not the others. This can be linked to the values we project  large number of words could not be clubbed, this results in
         on the two products. We see that while Blue has gained a  the chart not representing the complete word list.
         popularity, it varies deeply on gender and age. However, if
         we do not consider shades of the same colour and thus,   Red              Blue            Yellow
                                                              Word     Frequ- Word      Frequ- Word      Frequ-
                                                                       ency             ency             ency
                                                              Anger    24.4% Calmness 38.8%    Happiness 27.5%
                                                              Love     16.3% Trust      15.8%  Vibrant   20.4%
                                                              Passion  16.3% Serenity   14.3%  Success   14.8%
                                                              Alertness 11.1% Sadness   9.4%   Hunger    12%
                                                              Danger   7.4%   Peace     5.8%   Heat      4.9%

                                                              The above table shows the frequency of the five most popular
                                                              word meanings used to describe the three colours. About 20-
                                                              25% descriptive words were completely unique for each colour
                                                              but the rest fell into commonly associated meanings. The data

                 "The key to a good marriage: laugh together, cry together, strive together: do everything together."

                                                                     PR COMMUNICATION AGE   January - June 2020  17
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