Page 20 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 20

To draw our own curve, it is important to know our past  situation and can be treated as hypothetical line and no one
         data points; and such data point will be different for different  has the ability to be on this line all the time.  The data points
         individuals. This can be done by recalling our own behavior  can be similar to the chart shown in the graph below.
         in different situation in the past, like how we acted when
         we were happy, sad, frustrated, sorrowed, success, failure  Once all the data points are plotted, the life line is ready to
         and many other points one may wish to take.          tell how we are, this tell us the description of how we have
                                                              behaved in the past under different situation. Under some
         The above mentioned points, such as happy, sad, etc take  situation, one may find too much variation from the central
         on the x-axis and our response behavior on y-axis, a central  line indicating high level of variance based on situation. The
         line can be drawn as our normal behavior  and plot our  ideal situation should be most of the points should be very
         responses against the y-axis. The data points under the  close to the central line stating the stable state of mind.
         different situation will either be on the central line, or above
         the line or below the line. Higher the point above the central  One may find that those people who have higher level of
         line represents the high level of happiness or high state of  variance against the central line are in a poor health with
         mind, while data points below the central line represent  chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, regular
         sorrow or low state of mind. The central line is ideal state  headache, mood swings, body ache etc. On the other hand
         of mind which does not changes with the change in the  those with data points close to the central line are in a
                                                                      relative better health.

                                                                      This line should be used as a guide for ourselves in
                                                                      future by observing the past pattern and making
                                                                      changes in our thought process for future. As a
                                                                      result of the correction, the future data point
                                                                      should be close to the central line to have stable

                                                                      Knowing ourselves helps a lot in dealing better
                                                                      with difficult situation by making regular
                                                                      corrections in ourselves. Only an honest analysis
                                                                      will be helpful in having better healthy life. Such
                                                                      analysis will be help us averting the possible future
                                                                      risks. T

                             3 Facts about Communication for Leaders

           1.  Authenticity counts - a lot. Be honest and sincere. Find your own voice; quit using corporate-speak or sounding
               like someone you're not. Let who you are, where you come from, and what you value come through in your
               "Forget about eloquence - worry about being real," says Susan Tardanico, founder and CEO of the Authentic
               Leadership Alliance. "People want real. People respect real. People follow real. Don't disguise who you are. People
               will never willingly follow a phony."
           2.  Visibility is a form of communication. If you want to communicate well, don't be out of sight. Don't be known
               only by your emails and official missives. Show up. In person. As often as possible.
               People need to see and feel who you are to feel connected to the work you want them to do. Find ways to interact
               with all of your stakeholder groups.
           3.  Listening is a powerful skill. Good communicators are also good listeners. When you listen well, you gain a clear
               understanding of another's perspective and knowledge. Listening fosters trust, respect, and openness.
           Allow people to air their gripes and complaints. Ask questions that open the door to what people really think and feel.
           And pay close, respectful attention to what is said - and what's left unsaid.

         20    PR COMMUNICATION AGE   January - June 2020
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