Page 19 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
P. 19


         YOUR LIFE

         Introduction                                         Physical Phenomenon
         As a human, we spend less time in knowing ourselves and  This world is full of data points but we seldom use them;
         move in the future with the flow of time. This means that  the key is how we use those data points for our own benefits.
         we look in the past for our success and failures, but do not  Mathematics is nothing but shorthand of representation of
         look at the resulting emotion out of that event and move  those physical phenomenons resulting into lots of data
         forward. It is therefore, we do not know "how we are" and  points. Every physical phenomenon has a pattern and a
         commit similar mistakes along the line in future.  If we  trend, be it a change in weather condition, flow of air, flow
         know, how we are will help in knowing ourselves better and  of water, pattern of growth of trees and plants, human
         then remain careful about our actions in future. We shall  growth, behaviors, you name it and it has a pattern.
         be more aware about ourselves. This short write-up is
         throwing some light on how we can know ourselves better  Based on the past pattern and trend, you can always draw
         and take careful decisions in future. The idea is very similar  a mathematical /statistical curve (process) that will fit into
         to risk management, to know the risk in advance using some  the past data point and future under the normal condition
         past data point and take/plan the mitigating action.  will behave along the line of curve. So study of past data
                                                              point is important which gives us valuable information that
                                                              can be used for future decision making.
                        About the author
                                                              Our Lives
                         Sonjai Kumar                         The same is true with us; every individual has a unique curve
                         Certified Risk Management            which behaves in a certain way. It is important to know our
                         Professional from IRM London         own curve because that helps in knowing ourselves and act
                         Joint Secretary of Risk Management   accordingly in different life situation. Many of us do not know
                         Association of India                 how we are?

                                                                     PR COMMUNICATION AGE   January - June 2020  19
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