Page 18 - PR Communication Age January-June2020
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tisements and the use of a colour strategy in advertisements
                                                              can leads to better results for advertisers. Even from analy-
                                                              sis of social media tests, we see that when colour was the
                                                              only variable, clear favourites did emerge in creatives.

                                                              Font has been safely categorized as a secondary factor. While
                                                              consumers actively believe that message and brand are key
                                                              determinants; there is no clear data to validate the practi-
                                                              cality of it. Colour research is extremely subjective and the
                                                              categorization of questions also have a bearing on the re-
                                                              search. While respondents have attributed common mean-
                                                              ings to the select colours, that is one small pool of data.
         was fairly similar over age and gender. While the rankings of
         the words might change with age and gender, the list itself
         remains common across the demographic divide.
                                                              Y  Whitfield TW, Wiltshire TJ. Color psychology: a critical
                                                                 review. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr. 1990;116(4):385–
         Future Scope for Research                               411.
         I.  This survey was conducted with 198 respondents, in se-  Y  Petru, Simona. (2006). Red, black or white| The dawn of
             lect metropolitan cities mostly in Northern India. Ex-  colour symbolism. Documenta Praehistorica. 33.
             panding the sample population can add more depth    10.4312/dp.33.18.
             into this research.                              Y  Aaker, D.A., Stayman, D.M., & Hagerty, M.R.(1986).
                                                                 Warmth in Advertising measurement, Impact,and Se-
         II. We can further add Location & Ethnicity to the demo-
             graphic data and run 4-degree analysis to further test  quence Effects. The Journal of Consumer Research
                                                              Y  Pileliene, Lina & Grigaliunaite, Viktorija. (2017). IMPACT
             associative learning regimes with regards to colour
                                                                 OF COLOR TEMPERATURE ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AD-
                                                                 VERTISING SPOKESPERSON.
         III. This study ignores hues, tints and tones and takes a large  Y  Brown, W.F. (1950). The Determination of Factors Influ-
             definition when selecting colours, conducting research  encing Brand Choice. The Journal of Marketing
             with more streamlined colours such as Pentons can  Y  The Expressions of Colours | Veronica L. Zammitto
             help yield better results for design applications.  Y  Kwon, Eun Sook “A Study on the Color Emotion with Vi-
                                                                 sual Tactility”, in International Conference on Colour
         Findings & Conclusions                                  Emotion Research and Application Proceedings.
                                                                 (Bangkok, 2002), Chulalongkorn University Press
         The results were overwhelmingly in favour of the blue vari-
         ant of the advertisement when taking aggregate picture.
         Even if shades (Red, Pink; Orange, Yellow) are clubbed, the
         colour blue still comes out as a close second. This helps us
         conclude that blue has a more universal appeal and the  to-know
         values attributed to it on a general level supersede the
         associations created by the products. Gender had a major  what-is-neuromarketing.htm
         correlation with the choices in this section along with age  Y
         to such a great extent that one can see favourites of the  Y
         various segments clearly from the cross-tabs alone without  Y
         the use of any correlation computations.                the-button-color-a-b-test-red-beatsgreen.aspx
         Based on the data, we can recommend that blue due to its  how-to-use-colors-to-increase-conversionrate/
         more universal appeal can be used as the colour of choice  Y
         amongst the sample population against Red & Yellow.     201441the-simplicity-of-apples-advertising-1997-
         Colour is an important factor in the perception of adver-  present/

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