Page 46 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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increasing, triggered by the closing of the gap between insured Swiss Re and Mr. S. Pain, Chief Manager, National Insurance
and uninsured risks. He stressed the need for creating a com- Company Limited. Mr. M.Ramaprasad opened the session
plete ecosystem to facilitate the creation of regional reinsur- with brief introduction to Reinsurance, intermediaries and
ance hub. Mr. Arun Agarwal shared his experience of two grow- its importance. He highlighted various difficulties in conclud-
ing reinsurance hubs; Singapore and Dubai (DIFC) and under- ing Reinsurance Contracts across the world. Mr. Simon Ellis
lined the need to create a conducive ecosystem characterized elucidated in detail the changing role of reinsurance brokers
by inclusiveness and ease of doing business. in the existing market. He explained how the brokers in the
mature markets were positioning themselves as integrated
The 2nd session of the first day discussed at length the theme reinsurance partners by adding various other offerings to their
"Reinsurance - The way ahead" Mr. Rafi Ahmed, GM, New bouquet of services. Mr. Puneet Malhotra opened his pre-
India who moderated the session and opened the session sentation with a brief background of de-tariffication of policy
with the observation that reinsurance market had been wordings in India and discussed the key challenges arising out
changing rapidly and there had been soft market conditions of de-tariffication. Mr. S. Pain provided the background for
for several years. "This has been occasioned by oversupply the move in the UK towards establishing a market code for
of third-party capital whose participation in the market has Contract Certainty, especially in the reinsurance markets.
increased" he further quipped. Mr. Suhindra B. Kodagali, Gen-
eral Manager Trust Re India Liaison Office who spoke about The second day of the seminar opened with the theme "Re-
the importance of driving capability standards to meet the sponding to new risks (Cyber and liability insurance)”
future challenges. which was moderated by Mr. Joseph Augustin, Country Head,
XL Catlin. The other eminent panel members were Mr. Shay
He set the context by comparing the growth rates in differ- Simkin, MD, Howden Insurance Brokers Ltd, Israel and Mr.
ent markets. He highlighted the need for strengthening capa- Mahesh Chainani, Senior Vice President and head of Rein-
bilities in areas outside traditional reinsurance activities, includ- surance, Howden Mr. Joseph Augustin opened the session
ing managing high credit ratings, risk management services, with the remark that we live in a connected world which is
training, claim services, pricing, product development and changing very rapidly and each new development is throw-
expanding geographical footprint. Mr. Raghunath, Chief of re- ing up new risks. These emerging risks are difficult to assess
insurance, Mahindra Insurance Brokers dwelt on the issue of and manage due to lack of information.
natural disasters and the way ahead for reinsurance.
As the result large reinsurers are not willing to offer full ca-
Taking the example of earthquake exposure for Mumbai and pacity to these lines and are adopting a cautious approach.
the recent large NAT CAT losses, he described the challenges Mr. Shay Simkin opened his session by presenting a overview
that exist in respect of penetration, awareness of CAT expo- of the development of cyber risk market and the expecta-
sures and limited ability to pay for cover. He explained that tion that it will touch $85billion. Mr. Mahesh Chainani pre-
an India-specific modelling tool, larger reinsurance capacity, sented a brief history of liability insurance by also touching
granular data and analytics, would be needed to meet the on the basics of the liability insurance. The 2nd session of the
challenges in days to come. Mr. Rajesh Yagnik,Practice Head second day threw light on the theme of "Future Uncertain-
- Reinsurance & Aviation, JLT Independent Insurance Brokers, ties Before Reinsurers" The session was moderated by B.
presented several dimensions and measures of insurance pen- N. Narasimhan, DGM, GIC Re. The other notable panel
etration in India and highlighted the challenges before the members were Mr. Atma Ram Cheruvu, India representa-
market in increasing the penetration in the primary market. tive (non-life) Hannover re, Ms. Nymphea Batra, SVP Marsh
India Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd. and Dr. Jagath Alwis, Di-
The 3rd session of the day discussed and debated at great rector/CTO Ceylinco General Insurance Ltd., Sri Lanka.
length on the theme "Challenges in Reinsurance Interme-
diation and Contracts" The session was moderated by Mr. The third session of the second day discussed the theme "Re-
M. Ramaprasad, Ex-member Non-Life, IRDA. The other dis- newed Focus on Operational Issues" Mr. Suresh
tinguished panel members were Mr. Simon Ellis, MD, Glo- Mathur,Senior Joint Director, IRDAI moderated the session and
bal Specialty Practices (UK), Guy Carpenter England, Mr. opened the session by sharing IRDAI's views on the importance
Puneet Malhotra, Director Head Engineering Large Risks, of raising the operational standards, especially in the light of
42 The Insurance Times, September 2015
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