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place only if the policy is in force for the full sum             Get Latest News / Updates on Insurance Sector
assured at the time of first death.
                                                                      THE INSURANCE TIMES
4 Second death:
                                                                      Widely Read Monthly Magazine on Insurance in India

u If your policy is in force as on the date of second             Covers                                     Schemes
     death: Higher of A or B is paid to the nominee.
                                                                   Life Insurance                           1 Year                    840 
A Sum assured on death:                                            Non Life Insurance                       3 Year                   2100 
                                                                   Risk Management / Safety                 5 Year                   3000 
Sum Assured on death + Vested Simple Reversion-                    Consumers                                8 Year                   4950 
ary Bonuses + Terminal bonus, if any.
                                                                                              Subscribe Now !!
Sum assured on death is higher of Basic Sum As-
sured or guaranteed sum assured at maturity* or                                        ORDER FORM
a multiple of annualised premium (AP); where
multiple is:                                                      New Rental         Subscription No.
                                                                  (Plese tick)
Equivalent age at entry is less 10 times AP
than 45 years                                                     Name of Executive :

Equivalent age at entry is 45  7 times AP                         Designation:
years or more
                                                                  Company's Name :

B 105% of all the premiums paid under the base                    Address :
                                                                  Pincode :

This would include premiums already waived un-                    Phone :                          Mobile :
der the policy, if any.
                                                                  Fax : E.Mail :
*Basic sum assured is the guaranteed sum as-
sured at maturity.                                                Publication Order :

                                                                  *Scheme Opted :                          No.of Copies

Rider Benefit:                                                    (Please mention the sheme name example : It-1, Lit-1 or Combo 4-1)

Either of the lives assured or both lives assured have an         Period of Subscription : From              to
option of availing SBI Life - Accidental Death Benefit Rider
(UIN:111B015V02) at an affordable cost. The rider benefit         Details of payment : Cash/M.O./D.D./Cheque* No
will be payable in respect of each of the life assured.
                                                                  Dt                   drawn                 Rs.

The rider cover is available only for in force policies and till  Ordinary Registered Post (Plese tick)
the policy anniversary following first death. However, if
both lives assured have chosen rider and                          *For outstation cheque please add Rs.50/- towards bank charges.
i. both die simultaneously as a result of accident, or            outstation cheques accepted metro cities only. No Charges appli-
                                                                  cable for payable at per cheques.
ii. die on different dates as a result of same accident , or
                                                                  Do not make any Cash Payment
iii. die during the same policy year as a result of different
     accident                                                         for Subcription of Journals  Signature of Subcriber

                                                                             Please tear and send it along with your letter

Then rider benefit will be paid in respect of both lives                           Mode of Payment
assured, provided the accident happens within the policy
term and the death due to accident happens within 120             1. Payable at per Cheque/Demand Draft favouring Sashi Pulbications
days from the date of accident irrespective of expiry of
policy term.                                                          Private Limited, Payable at Kolkata

                                                                  2. You can directly ECS/Deposit cash in our bank account number

                                                                      below in your city and send us copy of Pay in slip by email/fax.

                                                                      A/C Name : Sashi Publications Private Limited

                                                                      A/C No. : 402120110000327

The rider benefits can be taken up only at the inception of           Bank      : Bank of India
the policy. However, the benefits may be terminated by
stopping the premium payment for the rider. The base                  Branch : V V K Road Branch., Kolkata, India
policy may however be continued.
                                                                      IFSC Code : BKID0004021
 46 The Insurance Times, September 2015
                                                                  Make Online Payment by Credit Card/Debit Card or your net banking

                                                                  account at our website

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