Page 47 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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the recent amendments to the insurance laws. The other dis-    The day Three began with the discussion of Emerging
tinguished panel members were Mr. Puneet Bharal, ACORD,        Themes. Mr. P. J. Joseph, CMD, Agriculture Insurance Co. Ltd.
Director Global Development; Mr. Sushil Gupta, GM, RMSI Pvt.   moderated the session and opened the session by giving brief
Ltd. and Ms. Alamelu T L, GM, United India Insurance Co. Ltd.  remarks on the topic. The other distinguished panel mem-
                                                               bers were Dr. John Haarison- MBBS, Director, Reed Group
The fourth session of 2nd day dwelt upon the theme "Mar-       Asia Pacific, Mr. K. Ramachandran - Head Reinsurance, SBI
ket Presentations". Dr. Adel Mounir, Secretary General         General Insurance Co. Ltd. and Mr. M. K. Poddar- GM, Agri-
moderated the session and opened the session with brief in-    culture Insurance Co. Ltd.. Dr. John Haarison articulated on
troduction to reinsurance market scenario. Focusing on the     sickness & accident Income protection Insurance in India vis-
Indian market, Lloyd's market, and International reinsurance   a-visthe role of Re-Insurers in best practice Claims manage-
market he underlined the need to address certain key areas     ment and Innovative Product Development. Mr. K.
including demand and supply, and managing performance.         Ramachandran threw light on new dimensions in accumula-
The other notable panel members were Ms. Sushila               tions and risk convergence, while Mr. M. K. Poddar high-
Venketaraman, Director-Operations, Tower Insurance and         lighted the need of reinsurance of agriculture / weather
Reinsurance Brokers; Mr. Arun Agrawal, Lloyd's Represen-       Risks. Mr. Satyendra Singh, Faculty and one of the seminar
tative India and Mr. Peter Book, Head of Agriculture Asia      coordinators of NIA proposed the valedictory vote of thanks
Pacific, Guy Carpenter.                                        to all.

Mr. M Ramaprasad, Ex Member Non Life, IRDA                     Mr. R Chandrasekharan, Secretary General,
                                                                         General Insurance Council

Mr. Randeep S Jagpal, Senior Joint Director, IRDAI             Mr. Simon Ellis, MD, Global Speciality Practices (UK)
                                                                                      Guy Carpenter

                                                                      The Insurance Times, September 2015 43

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