Page 52 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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Legal Case Studies Based on
Burglary - Ombudsman Decisions

Bhubaneswar Ombudsman Centre                of receipt of complaint i.e. 06-08-2004   cannot be termed as "burglary". The
   Case No. I.O.O. / B.B.S.R. /             with a view that in absence of any        Police authorities have registered the
            11.002.0054                     policy conditions to keep the tractor     claim under theft.
                                            inside a garage at night which is an
 Shri. Gadadhar Panda vs. The               impossible concept for village farmers,   A joint hearing was conducted where
New India Assurance Company                 the repudiation appears to be unrea-      the reading of operative clause makes
                                            sonable and arbitrary.                    it clear that the policy is not giving
                  Ltd.                                                                coverage for the theft; but what is
                                             Chennai Ombudsman Centre                 covered under the policy is only theft
The Insured - Complainant had insured        Case No. IO (CHN) 11.4.1326 /            following upon an actual forcible and
his tractor with tiller (Agriculture) with                                            violent entry of and/or exit from the
New India Assurance Co. Ltd under                         2004 - 05                   premises. The photos taken by the sur-
commercial Vehicle Miscellaneous                                                      veyor also proves that the theft hap-
policy. On night, the starter, bulb, and     Mr. S. Mahadevan vs. United              pened to the consignment, which was
dynamo were stolen by some miscre-           India Insurance Company Ltd.             placed in the open space in front of the
ants. The incident was intimated to                                                   factory premises. As the subject policy
the Banamalipur out post where a FIR        Mr. S. Mahadevan, the sole Proprietor     did not cover the loss of this nature,
was lodged with Balipatna P.S.              of M/s. Esgee Die Castings, TASS Indus-   this Forum finds no fault with the In-
                                            trial Estate, Chennai, insured the raw-   surer.
Police authorities submitted the FRT        materials and finished castings under
"as fact true no clue". The surveyor        Burglary and House Breaking Policy           Kochi Ombudsman Centre
has assessed the loss for Rs. 8000/-,       with United India Insurance Company       No. IO/KCH/GI/11.003.066/2004
but insurer repudiated the claim on         Limited for a sum insured of Rs.
the ground that insured vehicle was         5,50,000/-. A theft was occurred in the                    - 05
parked in open place, which violates        factory premises and the same was
the condition no-5 relating to all rea-     intimated to the police and the In-        Shri. P. P. Pappachen vs. Na-
sonable steps to safeguard the vehicle.     surer. The insurer rejected the claim on  tional Insurance Company Ltd.
                                            the ground that the loss happened
During the Hearing, complainant             without any violent and forcible entry.   The complaint under Rule No. 12(1) (b)
stated that the vehicle was kept inside     They also pointed out that the mate-      read with Rule No. 13 of the RPG Rules
his compound. Insurance ombudsman           rial which was lost was kept in open      1998 arose from repudiation of a claim
directed the insurer to pay Rs. 8000/-      and there was no evidence of forcible     under House Holder's Insurance Policy
with an interest of 6% from the date        entry because of which the incident       held by the complainant.

48 The Insurance Times, September 2015

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