Page 49 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 49

Life Insurance Plan

                                                              Smart Humsafar

                                                              from SBI Life Insurance

A joint life, non-linked, participating endowment             Premium       Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/
              plan with multiple benefits of savings and in-  Frequency     Monthly
              surance cover for husband and wife under a
              single policy                                   Premium Paying Same as policy term
4 Provides financial protection in the event of death of      Term

     either or both the lives assured                         Minimum Premium Yearly Half Quarterly Monthly

4 Pays death benefit to the surviving spouse in addition      Yearly (excluding 6,000 3,000 1,500  500
     to waiver of future premiums
                                                              taxes) (Rs.)
4 Death benefit also payable in case of subsequent death
     of the surviving spouse during the policy term           **All the references to age are age as on last birthday.

4 Pays a maturity amount on survival of one or both the       Maturity Benefit :
     lives assured at the end of the policy term
                                                              If either or both of the lives assured survives till maturity
4 Tax benefits as per prevailing norms under the Income       then Basic Sum Assured + Vested Simple Reversionary
     Tax Act, 1961                                            Bonuses + Terminal bonus, if any, will be paid provided the
                                                              policy is in-force.

How does the Plan work?                                       Death Benefit:

The base plan is a traditional endowment plan with simple     4 First death:
reversionary bonuses which accrue till the end of the policy
term provided the policy is in force. The basic Sum Assured        u If your policy is in force as on the date of first
with all accrued bonuses will be paid on survival of any or             death: Higher of A or B is paid to the surviving life
both lives till maturity. On first death, Sum Assured on                assured.
death is payable and the future premiums starting from
the next policy anniversary are waived off, provided the           A Sum assured on death:
policy is in-force for full sum assured. On second death,
sum assured on death plus all accrued bonuses are pay-                  Sum assured on death is higher of Basic Sum As-
able, provided the policy is in-force for full sum assured.             sured or guaranteed sum assured at maturity* or
                                                                        a multiple of annualised premium (AP); where
Who can avail this plan?                                                multiple is:

Age** at Entry Min.: 18 years Max.: 46 years                            Equivalent age at entry is less 10 times AP
                                                                        than 45 years
Maximum Age** 65^ years
                                                                        Equivalent age at entry is 45 7 times AP
at Maturity                                                             years or more

Maximum Age 20 years                                               B 105% of all the premiums paid under the base
Difference between
                                                                        *Basic sum assured is the guaranteed sum as-
the lives assured                                                       sured at maturity.

Sum Assured         Min: Rs. 100,000 Max: Rs. 5,00,00,000          u Further, all future premiums starting from the next
                                                                        policy anniversary will be waived off for the sur-
Policy Term         Min: 10 years Max: 30 years                         viving life assured. Waiver of premium will take

                                                              The Insurance Times, September 2015 45

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