Page 53 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
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The complainant's TV set went out of      gal gram, 2 to 4 bags of fried gram and    into the shop and decamped with T.V.
order and the same was repaired (pic-     cash amounting to Rs. 73,000/- were        sets, music sets and other electronics
ture tube replaced) by the dealer at a    alleged to have been stolen. The theft     goods worth Rs. 2,47,278/-.
cost of Rs. 6820/-. The insurer rejected  was informed to the insurers.
the claim saying that it was an old TV                                               Insured complainant lodged an FIR
and the maximum life-span of the pic-     Surveyor was deputed and the claim         with Bhograi P.S. for this incident. The
ture tube was only 10 years.              was closed, as requirements de-            surveyor has assessed the loss for Rs.
                                          manded by the insurer/surveyor were        41,558/- and insurer settled the claim
Therefore, citing the reason for dam-     not furnished. The complainant con-        for Rs. 41,550/-, which was duly ac-
age as aging of the TV set, the claim     tended that the police authorities         cepted by the financier bank without
was turned down. In the renewal of        seized the account documents and           any protest.
the policy in the year 2002, the TV set   cheque 4books.
was insured for Rs. 8000/-. The                                                      Insured complainant being aggrieved
complainant's version was that, the       The insurer was directed to send the       of quantum of assessment approached
picture tube damage was related to        surveyor to police authorities and pe-     this forum. During hearing insured
the number of hours it was used and       ruse the said documents and give his       complainant admitted that he was not
not the age of the TV set. He also con-   report within one month from the date      able to produce to purchase, sales and
tended that a picture tube would work     of hearing. The police categorically       stocks register as these were stolen by
properly for more than 1 lakh hours.      denied having taken the account books      the burglars.
                                          etc. The Final Investigation Report
Since the insurer had renewed the         highlighted the fact that the complaint    Insurance Ombudsman up hold the
policy in 2002 and the complainant had    was intentionally registered on ac-        decision taken by the insurer as the
really spent Rs. 6820/- as per the        count of financial burden on the com-      surveyor has rightly assessed the loss
Dealer's receipt and the insurer having   plainant as she had taken a loan to        in absence of sales, purchase and stock
been unable to prove that the damage      start the factory and could not make       register.
to the picture tube was only due to       payment regularly.
aging of the set, the Insurance Om-                                                  Ahmedabad Ombudsman Centre
budsman allowed the complaint and         The police concluded that the com-               Case No. 11.002.0187
the insurer was asked to pay Rs. 6820     plaint was not genuine and manipu-
in full final settlement of the claim.    lated. The insurer's version was ac-        Shri Sujit J. Jain vs. The New
                                          cepted as the insured availed cover,           India Assurance Co. Ltd.
Hyderabad Ombudsman Centre                only 5 days prior to the theft. Insurers'
Case No. IO (HYD)/G.11.005.239            decision was upheld.                       Repudiation of Claim under Burglary
                                                                                     Insurance Policy: The Complainant's
Smt. Padmaja Pathi vs. Orien-             Bhubaneswar Ombudsman Centre               Claim for Burglary was repudiated on
      tal Insurance Co. Ltd.                  Case No. I. O. O. /BBSR /              the grounds that as per the Policy Con-
                                                      14.005.0020                    ditions; the policy ceases to operate if
The complainant, proprietress of M/s.                                                the premises were left uninhabited by
Tungabhadra Agro Industries, pur-            Shri Ranjan Kumar Dey vs.               day and night for 7 or more consecu-
chased a burglary policy and cash in-        Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.             tive days and nights.
surance policy to cover money in
locked safe for a sum insured of Rs.      The Complainant, the owner of elec-        Even though the burglary took place
2,50,000/- and stock-in-trade of Rs.      tronic shop insured his T.V. sets, music   within 7 days of reference; since the pre-
7,50,000/-.                               system, radio etc. with Oriental Insur-    mises were uninhabited for 7 consecutive
                                          ance Co. Ltd. under Burglary and           days the decision of the Respondent to
There was an alleged burglary in the      House breaking Policy for Sum Insured      repudiate the claim was upheld with no
premises where 22 to 24 bags of Ben-      of Rs. 2,50,000/-. Some burglars broke     relief to the Complainant.

                                          The Insurance Times, September 2015 49

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