Page 51 - Insurance Times September 2015 SAMPLE
P. 51
Press Release
National Insurance Conclave held by Dun & Bradstreet & LIC
Indian Insurance Industry poised for greater penetration
(From Left to right): Mr. Kaushal Sampat - President and will help all the stake holders to understand their role in this
Managing Director - India - Dun & Bradstreet, Mr. G. Srinivasan - regard."
Chairman cum Managing Director - The New India Assurance "Targeting greater insurance penetration entails being a part
Company Ltd., Nilesh Sathe, Member (Life), IRDAI, Mr. V. K. of the Indian growth story while staying ahead of it. It is a
Sharma - Managing Director - Life Insurance Corporation of India, quest to push growth-rate of life insurance premium at a level
Mr. Sanath Kumar - Director & General Manager (acting CMD) - much higher than that of the Indian GDP in real terms to make
sure India catches up with the world average. Not winning is
GIC Re not an option," said Mr. V.K. Sharma, managing director, LIC.
A series of financial and economic developments have sig- "CAMS Rep through its IR initiative will play a significant role
naled growth for the Indian economy in the last 15 months or in shaping the future of how insurance is bought and stored
so, with the result that the Indian insurance industry is poised in the country. Digitization will impact the way Policy hold-
for vast expansion in its reach across the country. ers interact with insurers as more and more digital natives
enter the category. The IR initiative of IRDAI is aligned to the
Welcoming delegates to a National Insurance Conclave held Digital India initiative by Govt of India" Mr. S.V Ramanan- CEO
by Dun & Bradstreet and the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - CAMS Insurance Repository Services Limited.
on 'Quest for Market Penetration & Growth', Mr. Kaushal
Sampat, President and Managing Director - India, Dun & Mr. Sanath Kumar - Director & General Manager (acting CMD)
Bradstreet said "There are several encouraging factors point- - General Insurance Corporation of India said "I have partici-
ing to growth for the Indian insurance sector at present." pated in D&B events before. I have always found them com-
ing up with very relevant & contemporary topics and also a
Pointing out that insurance penetration in India (life and non- very representative slice of the industry both, at the dias and
life) is just 3.9% compared to a global average of 6.3%, Mr. at the audience. I wish that this event also would excel as the
Sampat further elaborated, "The hike in FDI limit in the insur- previous ones and make a mark in the industry".
ance sector will provide the flexibility to raise much needed
capital. This has opened a plethora of business opportuni- Contributing to the topic, Ms. Vibha Padalkar, Executive Di-
ties for foreign investors. With financial inclusion proceed- rector and Chief Financial Officer, HDFC Life said "Penetrat-
ings in full force, the timing of increase in limit for FDI in in- ing in the rural markets is a large untapped opportunity pro-
surance sector could be a game changer. The Insurance Act vided we get the distribution model right and offer products
2015 is a Win-Win situation for each of the stakeholders of that are relevant to the rural section".
the insurance industry."
Srinu Kalyan CEO said, "There is a para-
Nilesh Sathe, Member (Life), IRDAI also present at the event digm shift in insurance industry from traditional agency model
said "It should be a joint effort of Insurance Industry and the to online model. PolicyBachat has married the two by having
Regulators to continuously make efforts in increasing market a fully digital online quote to bind and back end insurance
penetration of insurance. The National Insurance Conclave advisors to help the consumers; hence achieving efficiency,
speed in delivery and transparency in the market place."
The event also witnessed a panel discussion on the topic which
included Mr. M. Ravichandran, President - Insurance, Tata AIG
General Insurance Company Ltd., Mr. Kamlesh Vora, Head -
Distribution Excellence Group, Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life
Insurance Ltd., Ms. Vibha Padalkar, Executive Director and Chief
Financial Officer , HDFC Life, Dr. Nayan Shah, Managing Direc-
tor, Paramount Health Services (TPA) Private Ltd., Mr. S.V.
Ramanan, CEO,CAMS Insurance Repository Services Ltd., Mr.
Srinu Kalyan, Chief Executive Officer,
The conclave was focused on the life and general insurance
sectors and its growth plans and took a look at the road ahead
for insurance companies in the country.
The Insurance Times, September 2015 47
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