Page 30 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 30

Pension to Elderly

         Women- A step

         towards dignified

         grey years                                                                          Dr. Seema Arora

                                                                                                 Deputy Director
                                                                                       School of Insurance Studies,
                                                                                   National Law University, Jodhpur,

           In India, joint family system was the basis to meet all the social security needs of the joint family
           members, whether it was poor health, old age, financial or emotional support to the widow and
           children of any deceased member of the family. With urbanization, industrialization and migration,
           India witnessed a gradual disintegration of this system, which necessitated the need of a formal
           social security system.

         Introduction                                         Demographic,  social  and  economic
         In India, joint family system was the basis to meet all the  transition  in  India  and  its impact on
         social security needs of the joint family members, whether
         it was poor health, old age, financial or emotional support  Indian women
         to the widow and children of any deceased member of the  Indian population is not only growing in numbers but also
         family. With urbanization, industrialization and migration,  ageing. We have been witnessing change in the structure of
         India witnessed a gradual disintegration of this system,  the Indian population owing to demographic transition. Due
         which necessitated the need of a formal social security  to increase in life expectancy and decrease in fertility levels,
         system. An important aspect of social security is to provide  India is witnessing an increase in the number of older persons.
         pension to the elderly population. Considering the current
         demographic and socio-economic indicators of India, there  Population Ratio : The proportion of the Indian population
         is a dire need for old age pension security for the Indian  is tilted towards male population. The sex ratio of the total
         women.                                               population in India is 108.18 males per 100 females. There
                                                              are 717,100,970 or 717.10 million males and 662,903,415
         This paper focuses on the demographic, social and economic  or 662.90 million females in India (2020) The percentage of
         changes impacting the life of women in India , the social  the female population is 48.04 percent compared to 51.96
         security need of the Indian women and the various options  percent male population. If this ratio is seen in various age
         of pension available to them viz: social pension schemes,  brackets, then the number of males exceeds the number of
         pensions available through employers in India , private  females till the age 69 but beyond 70 years of age, there
         pension schemes and the National pension scheme, the  are more females than males in India. This proportion of
         limitations and deterrents of these schemes and the  females is increasing at more advanced ages.
         desirable ramifications as to make them suitable for Indian
         women.                                               Life Expectancy : As per the economic survey 2021-2022 life

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