Page 32 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 32

Marginalisation of older women in Urban areas        problems are the common problems of the elderly in our
         In rural India, Joint family system still exist and is the major  country. The situation is more adverse for the elderly females
         support of the elderly women in villages. They could sail  as they neglect their own health due to their mindset, or
         through the financial and emotional crisis in their grey years  they lack awareness about these health issues or even if
         with the support of the other earning members of the family.  aware of they lack financial support from the family. Many
                                                              women usually ignore the symptoms of disease and do not
         Whereas in urban India due to disintegration of joint family
         system, women often face emotional and financial hardship  share their pain and sufferings as there is no one to pay
         in old age if they are neglected by their own children during  attention to their problems. Thus they are marginalized and
         their widowhood or after the retirement of their husbands  feel neglected in their own family.
         or their own retirement. This affects both the mental and
         physical health of elderly females in the urban area.  Income Insecurity and Financial dependence- a
                                                              concern for elderly female
         According to the LASI survey 2.5 percent of the elderly men  It is normal in India for the families to take care of the needs
         and 8.6 percent of the elderly women were living alone in  of older members of the family. But in the recent years with
         India. Many live a neglected life in isolation.
                                                              the change in socio-economic and demographic structure
                                                              of the country, financial security from the assets owned by
         Health problems associated with elderly females      the elderly and personal income are the only support system
         Elderly in India often have mental health issues like cognitive  in old age. Due to lack of any such security, they become
         decline, depression and dementia. They usually ignore many  financially dependent on their children or relatives. Most of
         of these health conditions, and moreover their families also  these senior citizens are also uninsured and are not covered
         neglect them and their health issues. As per a recent report  by any Government health schemes. Lack of health insurance
         of the Longitudinal Ageing Study of India (LASI) nearly 30  and rising healthcare inflation cripples the finances of the
         percent of elderly persons have depressive symptoms, 15  caretakers who in most of the cases are young.
         percent of the elderly aged 60 years and above are in the
         lowest 10th percentile of composite cognition score as  The Old-age dependency ratio which indicates the number
         compared to 6 percent of older adults aged 45-59 years.  of elderly people above the age of 60 years per 100 persons
                                                              in the age group of 15-59 years i.e. it is the ratio of elderly
         Besides the mental health issues chronic disease, arthritis,  people (who are generally economically inactive) compared
         hypertension, heart ailments, fracture, poor vision, impaired  to the number of people of working age is on the rise in our
         hearing, anaemia, bowl disorders, diabetes, locomotor  country.

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