Page 33 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 33

A glance at the Old-age dependency ratio in India in 2011,  With the feminisation of Indian elderly and fast changing
          by gender and region of origin reveals that in 2011, the old  socio-economic circumstances, there is an urgent need of
          age dependency ratio for females living in rural areas in India  old age financial security for Indian women.
          was 15.8 percent as compared to men at 14.5% and in
          urban areas it was 13.1 percent for females as compared  Restricted  mobility  due  to  disability  or
          to men at 11.8% Thus in both rural and urban areas, the  impairment or Lack of care
          dependency ratio for females was higher than for males.  Most of the elderly women in India have restricted mobility
          Further, the old age dependency ratio in India is seeing a
                                                              due to ill health or due to lack of support. Disability in old age
          gradual rise since the past few years.
                                                              restricts the elderly in performing their activities of daily living
                                                              (ADL) like feeding, bathing, dressing, toileting, walking etc..
          Projections reflect a steep rise in old age dependency from  Higher incidence of impairments (179 per1000) is reported
          2021 to 2031. This ratio among elderly individuals is on the
                                                              in women over 80 years of age as compared to men in the
          rise. The ratio climbed from 10.9 in 1961 to 14.2 in 2011
                                                              same age bracket (119 per 1000) (as per the LASI survey)
          and 15.7 in 2021(Projected) and is expected to reach 20.1  Besides physical impairment ,visual and speech impairments
          in 2031. Female and male dependency ratios are anticipated
                                                              are also common in old age. There is a need of assisted living
          to increase to 21.5 and 18.8, respectively, by 2031.
                                                              and assisting care devices when the functional abilities decline
                                                              even to perform the ADL. Due to financial constraints they
          Old age dependency ratio by sex and residence,      cannot afford assisted living devices, could not access
          India, 2011                                         healthcare and even lack proper nutritional diet. Many elderly
                                                              women thus remain confined to bed with no proper care by
           Old age dependency      Male    Female    Total
           ratio                                              the family members. They usually remain dependent on male
                                                              members of the family for their basic needs, even for day-to-
           Rural                   14.5     15.8     15.1
                                                              day requirements but as many of them outlive their husbands
           Urban                   11.8     13.1     12.4     their situation worsens in old age.
           Total                   13.6     14.9     14.2

             The Critical Role of Professional Water Damage Restoration in
                                                  Minimizing Losses

         I     n the wake of natural disasters or unforeseen water-  accelerates the recovery process, allowing businesses to
               related incidents, the immediate and effective
                                                              resume operations swiftly.
               response  to  water  damage  is  paramount.  For
                                                              For insurance professionals, the involvement of skilled
               insurance surveyors and loss assessors, understanding
                                                              restoration specialists is essential in reducing the scope of
          the intricacies of water damage restoration is crucial in
                                                              loss. By addressing water damage promptly and effectively,
          evaluating claims and mitigating long-term financial impacts  these experts help minimize reconstruction costs and
          for both insurers and policyholders.
                                                              decrease the likelihood of inflated claims. Furthermore, they
          Water damage, whether caused by floods, burst pipes, or  provide comprehensive documentation of the damage and
          firefighting efforts, can lead to extensive and often hidden  restoration efforts, offering clear and reliable data to
          destruction. The longer the water is allowed to remain, the  support claim evaluations.
          more severe the damage becomes, increasing the risk of  Simply put, collaboration with experienced water damage
          mould growth, structural deterioration, and loss of valuable
                                                              restoration companies is invaluable for the insurance
          assets. This is where professional water damage restoration
                                                              industry. It ensures that damages are accurately assessed,
          services play a pivotal role.
                                                              losses are minimized, and policyholders receive timely and
          Companies like TDS Asia leverage advanced technologies  fair settlements. As the frequency of water-related disasters
          such as desiccant dehumidifiers and high-velocity air blowers  increases, the demand for proficient restoration services will
          to ensure rapid and thorough drying of affected areas. Their  continue to grow, underscoring their importance in the
          approach not only prevents secondary damage but also  insurance sector.

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