Page 30 - Ebook health insurance IC27
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The Insurance Times

                      the subjects ofconcurrent list, which calls for continuous consultation, mutual
                      understanding and cooperation between the centre and the states.

                      The council works towards promoting coordinated and concerted action
                      between the Centre and the states in the implementation of all the programs
                      and measures pertaining to health.

        (B) At State Level - The Public Health System at the State level consists of :
               (i) State Ministry of Health and Family Welfare - headed by the Minister of
                      Health and Family Welfare. The Health Secretariat is the official organ of
                      the State Ministry, and is headed by the Principal Secretary or Secretary.
                      The state Government provide funds for Primary, secondary and tertiary
                      healthcare institutions , including the Medical Colleges and their Associated
                      hospitals. State Governments also receive fund from Centrally sponsored
                      health sector programs.
               (ii) State Health Directorate - The Directorate usually consists of the State
                      Director of Health & Family Welfare, the State Director of Medical
                      Education, and the State Director of ISM&H.

                      The State Director of Health Services, or Director of Health & Family
                      Welfare is the chief technical advisor to the state on all matters relating
                      to Medical and Public Health.

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