Page 32 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 32

The Insurance Times

               (3) Accreditated Social Health Activist volunteers, selected by the community
                     under the NRHM program, who are newly recruited and trained to serve as
                     the health sector's links in the rural areas.

               (ii) Sub Centre - It is themost peripheral Public Health Institution availableto rural
                     population. These have been established for every 5000 population (3000 for
                     hilly, tribal and backward areas), and are manned by a female Health worker
                     (also called AuxiliaryNurse Midwife) and amaleHealth Worker.

               (iii) Primary Health Centre (PHC) - It is a referral unit for about six
                     subcentres. They have been established for every 30,000 population
                     (20,000 in hilly, tribal and backward areas). They provide outpatient
                     Services, and majority also have 4-6 inpatient beds. They have a Medical
                     Officer, 14 Paramedical workers , (including 1 male Health Assistant and
                     1 female Health Assistant, 1 Laboratory Technician) and other supporting

               (iv) Health Centres/Hospitals -
               (1) Community Health Centre (CHC) is the first referral unit for four PHCs

                     offering specialist care. They are provided for every 1 lakh population. They
                     should have at least 30 beds, one Operation theatre, X-Ray machine, labour
                     room and laboratory facilities and should be staffed at least 4 specialists ( a

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