Page 9 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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deaths caused by road traffic accidents  have been profitable since inception.  Narayanan mentioned the possibility
          rose to 45.1% of all unintentional in-  The recent acquisition of private equity  of reduced capacity for such coverage,
          jury-related fatalities, underscoring the  major TPG's stake in these companies  as SRCC risk is increasingly difficult to
          urgent need for intervention.     by Sanlam, a South African financial  underwrite in unstable territories.
          Titled "National Strategy for Prevention  services group, has bolstered Shriram's
          of Unintentional Injury," the report, re-  insurance holdings. While the group  AP Flood Insurance Claims
          leased at the World Safety Conference,  does not currently plan to raise funds  May Exceed 2015 Chennai
          highlighted that the number of deaths  via overseas bonds, it may reconsider
          from unintentional injuries increased  if the U.S. Federal Reserve reduces in- Flood Levels
          from 420,000 in 2016 to 430,000 in  terest rates.                    General insurers are preparing for sub-
          2022. This figure is more than double the                            stantial losses as flood-related claims
          number of deaths caused by intentional  Reinsurance Burden May       surge in Andhra Pradesh. With approxi-
          harm, including homicide, suicide, and  Rise Amid Bangladesh Un-     mately 1.51 lakh vehicles, including
          domestic violence.                                                   cars, buses, and two-wheelers, re-
                                            rest                               ported as either fully or partially dam-
          Government Plans to Sell          Insurance companies may face higher  aged, the insurance industry is bracing
                                            reinsurance inward placement rates as  for a wave of claims. These figures
          6.78% Stake in GIC Re             a result of the escalating unrest in  were provided by the State Transport
          The government has announced plans  Bangladesh. A rise in strikes, riots, and  Department, which compiled data on
          to divest a 6.78% stake in the General  civil commotion (SRCC) claims is antici-  affected vehicles in Vijayawada and
          Insurance  Corporation  (GIC  Re)  pated due to political instability in the  surrounding areas in NTR district.
          through an offer for sale (OFS) at a  country.                       The floods were exacerbated by a
          floor price of Rs. 395 per share. This  SRCC coverage, a form of protection  record  water  discharge  from  the
          sale is expected to raise approximately  against political violence, is expected  Prakasam Barrage, totaling 11.45 lakh
          Rs. 4,701 crore. The OFS consists of  to see rate hikes. GIC Re's Managing  cusecs. This is the highest discharge
          5.95 crore shares, with an additional
                                            Director,  Ramaswamy  Narayanan,   since 1903, leading to severe inunda-
          green shoe option for the same num-  stated that although SRCC is generally  tion in several districts. The IRDAI has
          ber of shares.
                                            excluded  from  most  treaties,    already issued directives to expedite
          Up to 3.39% of the stake will be avail-  Bangladesh remains a key territory.  claims processing to help affected in-
          able for non-retail investors, with re-  Despite the volatility, only one con-  dividuals and businesses. Industry esti-
          tail investors able to participate at a  tract includes SRCC coverage, and GIC  mates suggest that claims from this
          later stage. Shares are being offered  Re does not foresee significant losses  year's floods may rival those from the
          at a 6.13% discount from GIC Re's re-  from Bangladesh, given the self-in-  2015 Chennai floods, which amounted
          cent closing price of Rs. 420.80 on the  sured nature of government buildings.  to Rs. 4,800 crore.
          National Stock Exchange.

          Shriram Group to Priori-            Nitin Gadkari Stresses the Need for Road User Be-

          tize Listing of General In-         havior Reform
          surance Arm                         Union Minister for Road Transport Nitin Gadkari has expressed his frustra-
                                              tion with the widespread violation of traffic rules, despite the significant
          Shriram Group is planning to list its  increase in fines. Speaking at the World Safety Conference, he questioned
          general insurance subsidiary, Shriram  the effectiveness of further raising penalties to deter traffic violations and
          General Insurance, ahead of its life in-  emphasized the need for a shift in road user behavior.
          surance company, according to Umesh
          Revankar, Executive Vice Chairman of  "We are using technology (ITS) for traffic rule enforcement and have in-
          Shriram Finance. Both Shriram Gen-  creased fines for violations, but it's not yielding results because people are
          eral Insurance and Shriram Life Insur-  not taking them seriously. How much more can we increase fines?" said
          ance are expected to go public within  Gadkari. He highlighted that changing human behavior, with the involve-
          the next two years as their businesses  ment of social and educational organizations, is essential to addressing the
          continue to expand.                 issue. The Motor Vehicle Act was amended in 2019 to introduce higher fines,
                                              with the expectation that these penalties would serve as a deterrent.
          Revankar noted that both subsidiaries
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