Page 11 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 11


                                                                               annuity payments must be settled on
           IRDAI Introduces 30-Day Free-Look Period for Policies               their respective due dates. Policy sur-
           The IRDAI has issued a comprehensive circular aimed at improving policy-  renders and partial withdrawals are
           holder rights and service standards across the insurance industry. This new  required to be processed within seven
           directive replaces 30 previous circulars, consolidating policyholder entitle-  days. Insurers are also obligated to
           ments into one document. Among its many provisions, the circular man-  send premium due notices and infor-
           dates a 30-day free-look period for both life and health insurance policies,  mation about policy benefits at least
           giving customers sufficient time to review policy terms.            one month prior to their due date.
           Additionally, the circular requires insurers to provide a Customer Informa-  Failure to adhere to these timelines will
           tion Sheet (CIS) for all insurance segments, outlining policy features, ben-  allow customers to escalate their com-
           efits, and exclusions. Both the CIS and proposal forms must be available in  plaints to the insurance ombudsman for
           regional languages upon request. Insurers are also required to implement  resolution.
           online tools that allow customers to verify authorized distribution channels,
           and nominee details must be collected to streamline claim settlement pro-  Product Mis-Selling Drives
           cesses. The IRDAI further requires insurers to integrate with Digilocker,  Complaints in Life Insur-
           ensuring digital access to policy documents and compliance with a Citizen's
           Charter that outlines service standards.                            ance: IRDAI
                                                                               Satyajit Tripathy, IRDAI's Member (Dis-
                                                                               tribution), has called on insurance
          Non-Life Insurers Expected IRDAI Tightens Deadlines                  companies to reduce  policyholder
          to Grow 17-18%, Life by for  Death  Claim  Settle-                   grievances, focusing on product trans-
                                                                               parency and customer experience. He
          10%: IRDAI                        ments                              noted that in life insurance, many com-
          IRDAI anticipates significant growth in  In a move to enhance customer ser-  plaints stem from the mis-selling of
          both the life and non-life insurance  vice,  the  IRDAI  has  reduced  the  products rather than claim settlement
          sectors. Non-life insurance is projected  timelines for settling death claims in  issues.
          to expand by 17-18%, driven primarily  life insurance policies. Claims that do  Tripathy pointed out that while non-life
          by health insurance, while life insur-  not require an investigation must now  insurance grievances often relate to
          ance is expected to grow by 10%.  be settled within 15 days, down from  claims, life insurance complaints prima-

          Speaking at a  CII summit, Satyajit  the previous 30-day deadline. For early  rily involve dissatisfaction with the prod-
          Tripathy, IRDAI's Member (Distribution),  death claims that necessitate a probe,  ucts sold. Speaking at CII's Financing 3.0
          highlighted that health insurance has  the resolution period has been short-  Summit, he emphasized that addressing
                                            ened from 90 days to 45 days.
          become the largest component of most                                 these grievances is critical to improving
          non-life insurers' portfolios, emphasizing  Additionally, the IRDAI mandates that  penetration and customer satisfaction
          its growing importance in the industry.  maturity claims, survival benefits, and  within the insurance industry.

         10    October 2024   The Insurance Times
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