Page 14 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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                                                                               stood at Rs. 1.13 trillion, reflecting a
           LIC  Seeks  IRDAI  Review  of  Surrender  Value                     15.66%  year-on-year  increase.
           Guidelines                                                          Individual premiums grew by 7.04% to
                                                                               Rs.  67,192  crore,  while  group
           Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has approached IRDAI to review the
           Surrender Value Guidelines issued in June 2024. While the guidelines were  premiums surged by 30.87% to Rs.
           considered favorable for policyholders, increasing surrender values from 30%  46,578  crore.  LIC's  value  of  new
                                                                               business  (VNB)  premium  rose  by
           to over 70%, LIC is requesting a reassessment of how surrender values are  23.66%, with its VNB margin reaching
                                                                               13.9%. The company expects further
           The surrender value in life insurance refers to the amount a policyholder  improvements in profitability, targeting
           receives when they choose to terminate their policy before maturity or  a VNB margin of around 20% in the
           before a claim is made. It is typically a portion of the premium paid, minus  next  2-3  years.  LIC  has  also  been
           any applicable fees, and grows over time. Early surrender may result in a  increasing  the  share  of  non-par
           lower or even zero surrender value. LIC's request comes as the new  products in its individual business
           guidelines are set to take effect shortly, with the industry awaiting IRDAI's  portfolio, which accounted for 23.94%
           decision.                                                           in Q1 FY25 compared to 10.22% in the
                                                                               same period last year.

         LIC Pays Rs. 3,662 Crore           Government of India holds a 96.5%  IndiaFirst  Life  Becomes
                                            stake in LIC, which remains the market
         Dividend to Government             leader in the Indian life insurance  First Insurer to Operate in
         State-owned     Life    Insurance  industry with an asset base of over Rs. GIFT City
         Corporation of India (LIC) has handed  52.85 lakh crore.              IndiaFirst Life Insurance has become
         over a dividend cheque amounting to                                   the first Indian life insurer to begin
         Rs. 3,662.17 crore to Finance Minister  LIC Reports 9.6% Growth       operations in Gujarat International
         Nirmala Sitharaman. The cheque was                                    Finance  Tec-City  (GIFT  City).  The
         presented by LIC's Chief Executive  in Q1 FY25 Profit                 company  inaugurated  its  IFSC
         Officer  and  Managing  Director,  Life Insurance Corporation of India  Insurance Office, marking its entry into
         Siddhartha Mohanty, in the presence  (LIC)  has reported  a  year-on-year  the international financial hub.
         of M.P. Tangirala, Additional Secretary  increase  of  9.61%  in  net  profit,  Rushabh Gandhi, Managing Director
         at the Ministry of Finance.        reaching Rs. 10,461 crore for the first
                                                                               and CEO of IndiaFirst Life, expressed
         LIC also paid an interim dividend of Rs.  quarter  of  FY25. This  growth  was  excitement about being the first to
         2,441.45  crore  on March  1, 2024,  primarily  driven  by  a  strong  offer foreign currency-denominated
         bringing the total dividend payout to  performance in the group business  life  insurance  products  to  global
         Rs. 6,103.62 crore for the financial  premium segment.                customers.     The    company's
         year 2023-24. As of March 2024, the  LIC's premium income for Q1 FY25  International Insurance Office (IIO) will

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