Page 18 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 18

In several reinsurance sectors, claims  Nepal Insurance Authority    claims, a number that is expected to
          inflation is surpassing general eco-                                 grow as more damage assessments are
          nomic trends. Contributing factors in-  and  Insurers Commit to      completed.
          clude rising damages in the US, driven Streamlining Claim Settle-    Poshak Raj Paudel, president of the
          by social inflation, increasing medical                              Nepal Life Insurance Association, em-
          costs, and shortages of construction  ments Amid Flood-Related       phasized that insurers are actively
          materials and labor, all of which are Losses
                                                                               working on prompt claim settlements.
          pushing claims costs higher.      The Nepal Insurance Authority (NIA)  He pointed out that as of mid-Septem-
          According to data from AM Best/Guy  has pledged to simplify and expedite  ber 2024, only 42% of Nepal’s popula-
          Carpenter, global reinsurance capital is  the process of settling insurance claims  tion had access to insurance. Given
          projected to reach $515 billion by  in response to the widespread damage  that Nepal ranks fourth globally in vul-
          2024. Although the market for alter-  caused by recent floods and landslides  nerability to climate change and fifth
          native risk capital has seen modest  following continuous rainfall. In a re-  in lightning risk, there is a pressing
          growth, its overall influence on the  cent meeting, NIA and insurers agreed  need for comprehensive insurance cov-
          reinsurance market remains limited.  to make claim settlements faster and  erage. A study by the United Nations
          Demand for reinsurance capacity re-  reduce procedural delays.       on insurance and risk financing high-
          mains strong, helping to stabilize the  Sushiledev Subedi, director and spokes-  lighted that Nepal has spent an aver-
          market at elevated levels.        person for NIA, announced that the  age of Rs 50 billion annually on disas-
          Thomas Blunck, a member of Munich  authority would eliminate the need for  ter reconstruction between 2012 and
          Re's board of management, empha-  certain documents like police reports  2020.
          sized the critical need for the reinsur-  and recommendations from relevant  Chunkey Chhetri, president of the
          ance sector to achieve adequate earn-  bodies, allowing for quicker claim pro-  Nepal Insurers' Association, assured
          ings. He pointed out that the sector  cessing. In addition, insurers have been  that insurers are fully prepared to ex-
          failed to meet its cost of capital in four  directed to provide daily updates on  pedite the settlement of claims. He
          of the past seven years, stressing the  the status of claims and payments to  also urged the NIA to further simplify
          importance of risk-adequate rates to  ensure transparency.           the process, especially as damage as-
          manage increasing volatility and expo-  Insurance companies have already  sessments are still underway.
          sures, which in turn demand more risk  started receiving claims related to  The industry’s combined efforts aim to
          capital.                          damages from the floods, which have  mitigate the impact of natural disas-
          Munich Re is focusing closely on devel-  impacted a wide range of assets, in-  ters and ensure faster recovery for af-
          opments in key areas, particularly natu-  cluding hydropower projects, ware-  fected individuals and businesses.
          ral catastrophes and climate change.  houses, and vehicles. With significant
          Insured losses from natural catastro-  destruction to homes, agriculture, live-  Primary Insurers Assume
          phes are on the rise, now frequently  stock, and hydroelectric infrastructure,  More Risk Amid Changing
          exceeding $100 billion annually, driven  insurers are preparing for a continued
          by events such as hurricanes and earth-  influx of claims. However, key public  Reinsurance Dynamics
          quakes. Additionally, non-peak perils,  infrastructure,  such  as  roads  and  Natural catastrophe losses in the first
          including severe thunderstorms, torna-  bridges, remain uninsured, largely due  half of 2024 were driven largely by
          does, floods, and wildfires, are contrib-  to the government’s limited awareness  medium-sized events. Global reinsurers
          uting to the overall increase in insured  of insurance benefits in these sectors.  are adopting stricter terms and condi-
          losses. Climate change is believed to be  Surya Silwal, chairman of the NIA,  tions to limit exposure to secondary
          a factor in the growing frequency and  called on insurers to swiftly settle  peril events, as weather-related losses
          severity of these events.         claims to address public concerns that  continue to increase in frequency and
                                            insurers are hesitant to pay out claims.  volatility due to climate change, ac-
          In response, Munich Re is investing in
          the  development  of  new  and  en-  He stressed the importance of timely  cording to Fitch Ratings.
                                            settlements to maintain confidence in
          hanced risk models and is strengthen-                                The tightening of natural catastrophe
          ing its global diversification strategy to  the industry.            coverage terms is expected to improve
          ensure long-term profitability in the  As of the latest reports, non-life insur-  reinsurers' risk profiles and profitabil-
          natural catastrophe business.     ers had already received around 100  ity in the long term. This shift is not

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