Page 19 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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expected to reverse in the near future,  The launch is part of the Inclusive In-  tion (GIA), acknowledged that while
         even if market conditions change.  surance Certification Programme, a  Ghana was the first country to estab-
         Primary insurers are now retaining  collaborative  effort  between  the  lish a framework for inclusive insur-
                                            UNDP/IRFF and the Ghana Insurance  ance, progress has been slow. How-
         more risk associated with secondary
                                            College, supported by the NIC. The  ever, he expressed optimism that the
         peril events, while reinsurers continue
                                            program aims to build capacity and  partnership  between  the NIC  and
         to provide substantial coverage for the
         most severe catastrophes. Losses in the  raise awareness of inclusive insurance  UNDP/IRFF would improve access to
         first half of 2024 were driven by me-  throughout   Ghana,   targeting  inclusive insurance for all Ghanaians.
         dium-sized events such as convective  underserved populations.        Dr. Abdul-Razak Saeed, Head of Envi-
         storms in the United States.       Micro and inclusive insurance products  ronment and Climate Cluster at UNDP
                                            are specifically designed to provide  Ghana, added that inclusive insurance
         Reinsurers’ efforts to reduce exposure
                                            low-income earners, such as market  has the potential to play a crucial role
         resulted in these losses being absorbed
                                            women, artisans, and food vendors,  in mitigating the impacts of climate
         primarily by primary insurers. Adjust-
                                            with financial protection against unex-  change and related challenges, making
         ments such as higher attachment points  pected events. These products are tai-
         and lower aggregate covers limited the  lored to meet the unique needs of  it even more essential for vulnerable
         triggering of reinsurance payments.                                   communities.
                                            these groups, offering them access to
         The reinsurance sector has benefited  insurance coverage that has tradition-  Global Reinsurance Market
         from strong profitability in recent  ally been out of reach.
         years, driven by significant increases in                             Expected to Grow by 2-3%
                                            The insurance clinics, which will run
         property catastrophe pricing. Although  from September to November, are Over the Next Three Years:
         prices may ease moderately, reinsurers  scheduled to educate traders in loca-
         are expected to maintain tight limits  tions  including  Ada,  Sege,  Kasoa,  Munich Re
         on lower layers of natural catastrophe  Galilea, and Prampram. The goal is to  The global reinsurance market is pro-
         coverage, avoid large aggregate cov-  inform participants about the impor-  jected to grow by 2-3% annually over
         ers, and uphold disciplined underwrit-  tance of insurance as a tool for pro-  the next three years, according to
         ing practices.                     tecting their livelihoods and  busi-  Munich Re, one of the largest reinsurers
                                                                               in the world. Speaking at the 66th
         This cautious stance is further reinforced  nesses.                   Rendez-Vous de Septembre in Monte
         by limited new market capacity and ris-  During the launch, Acting Commis-  Carlo, Munich Re highlighted that de-
         ing risks associated with climate change  sioner  of  Insurance,  Michael  Kofi  spite the promising outlook, the market
         and growing property exposures.    Andoh, emphasized the importance of  remains challenging. The anticipated
                                            educating informal sector workers  growth, adjusted for inflation, would
         Micro Inclusive Insurance          about the risks they face and how in-  bring the reinsurance sector on par
         Clinic Launched to Support         surance can help mitigate those risks.  with the primary insurance market.
                                            He  pointed  out  that  over  70%  of
         Traders  and  Artisans  in         Ghana’s workforce operates within the  Munich Re noted that the most signifi-
                                                                               cant growth is likely to occur in the Asia
         Ghana                              informal  sector,  which  is  often  Pacific and Latin America regions,
                                            underserved by traditional insurance
         A new initiative aimed at promoting                                   while growth in more developed mar-
         the benefits of insurance to traders  products. He highlighted the need for  kets, such as the US and Europe, may
         and artisans in the Accra Metropolitan  more targeted insurance solutions to  be slower.
                                            address the specific needs of this seg-
         Area (GAMA) has been launched in   ment. Andoh also noted that micro  During the conference, the company
         Accra,  Ghana.  This  effort,  spear-  and inclusive insurance could enhance  identified several key areas requiring
         headed by the United Nations Devel-  the creditworthiness of farmers and  specialized risk management, includ-
         opment Programme (UNDP) Insurance  other informal workers, encouraging  ing natural catastrophes, casualty busi-
         and Risk Finance Facility (IRFF), the                                 ness, claims inflation, and cyber risks.
         National Insurance Commission (NIC),  market traders, artisans, and vulner-
         and the Insurance Awareness Coordi-  able groups to adopt insurance as a key  In the area of natural catastrophes,
         nators' Group, forms part of a broader  risk management tool.         Munich Re's data indicates an increas-
         campaign to expand access to inclusive  Dr. Kingsley Kwabason, Chief Executive  ing trend in insured losses, driven by
         insurance in the country.          Officer of the Ghana Insurers Associa-  more exposed assets. While large-scale

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