Page 15 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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focus  on  providing  life  insurance  million in taxes, penalties, and interest.  holds  an  80%  market  share.  The
          solutions  to  international  clients  The fraudulent invoices enabled Aviva  company's group premiums surged by
          through partner banks and broker  to claim undue tax credits, evading an  46% to Rs. 13,599 crore in August.
          partners. A specially designed ULIP  estimated $5.2 million in taxes. A  Among private sector insurers, SBI Life
          product, the IndiaFirst Life Wealth  spokesperson for Aviva declined to  Insurance saw a 13.46% decline in
          Wise plan, will cater to global Indians  comment  on  the  ongoing  legal  premiums, totaling Rs. 2,703.92 crore,
          from the GIFT City office.        matters.
                                                                               while ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
                                                                               recorded a 12.3% growth, reaching Rs.
          UK-Based  Aviva  Faces Life Insurers' New Business                   1,509.12 crore. Other major players
          Allegations of Tax Evasion Premiums Surge by 22% in                  such as HDFC Life, Bajaj Allianz Life
                                                                               Insurance, and Max Life Insurance
          in India                          August
                                                                               posted growth rates of 3.6%, 2.8%,
          British insurer Aviva has been implicated  Life insurance companies  in  India  and 16.7%, respectively.
          in  an  Indian  tax  investigation  for  experienced a significant boost in new
          allegedly circumventing compensation  business premiums (NBP) in August,  For the April-August period of FY25,
          and tax regulations. The Directorate  with a year-on-year growth of 21.8%,  the  total  NBP  of  life  insurance
          General of GST Intelligence (DGGI)  totaling  Rs.  32,644.09  crore.  This  companies reached Rs. 1.54 trillion,
          claims that Aviva's Indian arm used fake  increase was driven largely by the  marking a 20.8% increase compared to
          invoices and cash payments to evade  state-owned   Life   Insurance  the same period last year. LIC's market
          commission caps and taxes. Between  Corporation (LIC), which recorded a  share stood at 61.7%, up from 58.4%
          2017 and 2023, Aviva reportedly paid  35.1% rise in its NBP, amounting to Rs.  a year ago, while private insurers'
          approximately $26 million to entities  19,309 crore.                 share declined to 38.2% from 41.6%.
          that did not provide the services for  Private  sector  insurers  also  saw
          which  they  were  invoiced.  These  growth, albeit at a more modest rate  J&J Ordered to Pay Rs. 35
          payments were allegedly funneled to  of 6.7%, bringing their total to Rs. Lakh Compensation to Hip
          agents, violating local regulations on
                                            13,335 crore. Growth in individual non-  Implant Victim
          commissions.                      single premiums contributed to this
          The investigation is part of a broader  rise. LIC maintained its dominance in  The  National  Consumer  Disputes
          probe into over a dozen Indian insurers  the market, especially in the group  Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has
          accused of evading a total of $610  single premium segment, where it  ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay Rs.
                                                                               35 lakh in compensation to Purshottam
                                                                               Lohia, a Pune businessman, for the pain
           Government Plans to Double Coverage Under Key
                                                                               and suffering caused by a faulty hip
           Insurance Schemes                                                   implant. The compensation includes an
           The central government is considering a proposal to increase coverage under  additional Rs. 1 lakh for mental agony.
           its flagship life and accident insurance schemes in the run-up to state  Johnson & Johnson had already paid
           assembly elections. According to sources, the government intends to raise  Lohia Rs. 25 lakh, as directed by the
           the life cover provided under the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana  Delhi High Court, leaving a balance of
           (PMJJBY) from the current Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh. PMJJBY, one of the largest  Rs. 10 lakh to be paid.
           life insurance schemes in India, covers over 200 million subscribers.  Lohia's legal battle began in 2006,
           Additionally, the government is planning to enhance the coverage under  when  he  had  a  hip  replacement
           the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 5  surgery  involving  a  DePuy ASR  XL
           lakh in cases of accidental death or disability. As of July 31, the PMSBY had  implant manufactured by Johnson &
           enrolled 453.6 million subscribers.                                 Johnson's    subsidiary,   DePuy
                                                                               Orthopaedics. The company recalled
           This initiative is part of the government's broader "insurance for all by 2047"  the product globally in 2010 due to its
           vision. India's insurance penetration, currently at 4% of GDP, remains below  high failure rates, which led to severe
           the global average of 6.8%. Increasing coverage under these schemes aims  pain and revision surgeries for affected
           to address the protection gap in the country, ensuring that insured  patients. Lohia underwent a revision
           individuals or their dependents can meet financial obligations in the event  surgery  in  2017  and  sought
           of death or disability.                                             compensation for his suffering.

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