Page 12 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 12


                                                                               tive reflects the government's commit-
           Star Health Set to Expand into Motor and Life Insur-                ment to providing quality healthcare to
           ance Sectors                                                        all Indians. Union Health Minister J.P.

           Star Health and Allied Insurance, a leading standalone health insurance  Nadda described the expansion as a
           provider, is planning to diversify its offerings by entering the motor and term  "momentous" decision that will ensure
           life insurance markets. The company plans to apply for a composite insur-  comprehensive healthcare coverage
           ance license once amendments to the Insurance Act are passed. This would  for senior citizens regardless of income.
           allow Star Health to provide both life and non-life insurance products under  Star  Health  Aims  to
           one license.
                                                                               Double Premium Income
           Leveraging its strong customer base in health insurance, the company aims
           to market these new products through its direct-to-consumer channels and  in  Four  Years,  Launches
           existing network of agents. Star Health also plans to focus on renewals within  Braille Policy
           its motor insurance business, given the growth potential in both motor and  Star Health and Allied Insurance has
           health insurance segments.
                                                                               set a goal to double its gross written
           Star Health has set an ambitious target of doubling its total premium port-  premium to Rs. 30,000 crore over the
           folio to Rs. 30,000 crore by 2028, up from the current Rs. 15,000 crore.  next four years, focusing on expanding
           Presently, 90% of the company's business comes from retail health insur-  health insurance penetration in semi-
           ance, with plans to expand the group insurance segment to 20% by 2028.  urban and rural areas. CEO Anand Roy
                                                                               announced that the company plans to
         AB-PMJAY to Extend Cov-            rolled in other public health insurance  achieve a compound annual growth
                                            schemes, such as the Central Govern-  rate (CAGR) of 19-20% during the FY25-
         erage to Citizens Over 70          ment Health Scheme (CGHS) or Ex-Ser-  FY28 period, building on its Rs. 15,251
         With Private Insurance             vicemen Contributory Health Scheme  crore premium in FY24.

         The Union Cabinet has decided to ex-  (ECHS), will have the option to choose  In  line  with  its  innovation  and
         tend Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri  between their existing coverage or opt  inclusivity objectives, Star Health has
         Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) benefits  for AB-PMJAY. Those under private in-  launched the first-ever Braille version
         to senior citizens aged 70 and above.  surance plans will also be eligible to  of its 'Special Care Gold' policy, de-
         Under the expanded scheme, eligible  join AB-PMJAY.                   signed specifically for individuals with
         seniors will receive an additional Rs. 5  The expansion of the world's largest  40% or more disability. This move en-
         lakh in annual health coverage. This  publicly  funded  health  assurance  sures that visually impaired individuals
         top-up is available to individuals from  scheme is seen as a step toward ensur-  can access policy details independently
         families already covered under AB-  ing accessible, affordable healthcare  and make informed decisions about
         PMJAY, without requiring them to share  for all citizens, with a particular focus  their health coverage.
         benefits with younger family members.  on  the  elderly.  Prime  Minister  The Special Care Gold policy covers in-
         Senior citizens who are already en-  Narendra Modi stated that the initia-  dividuals with disabilities and those liv-

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