Page 17 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 17


         Ensuring  Safer  Skies  in         dents due to human error have de-  The event was chaired by Chunkey
                                            creased, he noted that more work is  Chhetry, CEO of Sagarmatha Lumbini
         Nepal Through Adherence            needed to  further  enhance safety  Insurance, a leading provider of insur-
         to  Standard  Operating            measures. Citing data from the Inter-  ance services for the aviation sector in
                                            national Air Transport Organization,  Nepal.
                                            Dr. Taneja highlighted a significant re-
         The Aviation Risk Management Con-  duction in aviation accident fatalities.  Munich  Re  Focuses  on
         clave 2024, hosted by Sagarmatha   In 2023, the fatality risk in aviation
         Lumbini Insurance (Salico) in collabora-  dropped to 0.03 per ten million flights,  Risk-Adequate Rates Amid
         tion with Prudent Insurance Brokers,  compared to 0.69 in 2005. He ex- Market Complexities and
         recently concluded at the Dusit Prin-  plained that, at this rate, the risk of a
         cess Kathmandu Hotel. The event fo-  fatal accident for a passenger flying  Loss Trends
         cused on the critical need for stringent  every day over 103,239 years would be  Munich Re continues to prioritize main-
         safety standards in Nepal's aviation  minimal.                        taining risk-adequate conditions as the
         sector.                                                               global reinsurance market faces a chal-
                                            Anthony Frankel, General Aviation  lenging environment with rising com-
         Aviation safety expert Dr. Narindra  Head at Lloyds Group, UK, expressed  plexities and volatile loss trends. Despite
         Taneja delivered an in-depth presenta-  concern over the rising number of avia-  these headwinds, the global reinsurance
         tion on the role of human error in avia-  tion  accidents  in  Nepal  in  recent  sector is projected to grow by 2-3% over
         tion accidents. He emphasized that  months. Referencing data from the  the next three years, after adjusting for
         human factors continue to pose signifi-  past 16 months, he pointed out that  inflation, in line with the growth of the
         cant  risks  to  aviation  safety  and  Nepal has experienced two airplane  primary insurance market. This growth
         stressed the need for all stakeholders  crashes and six helicopter accidents,  is expected to be stronger in the Asia-
         to follow safety standards diligently,  raising questions about the safety cul-  Pacific and Latin America regions, with
         not just as a formality but as a mea-  ture in the country. Frankel observed  slower expansion anticipated in Europe
         sure to truly ensure safer skies.  that the Nepalese public seems unusu-  and North America.
         Dr. Taneja shared data showing that  ally tolerant of safety failures and  The macroeconomic environment has
         nearly half of all air accidents are at-  warned  that  this  trend,  if  unad-  shown some signs of stabilization, al-
         tributed to human error. He urged  dressed, could harm both human life  though significant geopolitical risks
         continuous efforts to identify and miti-  and the nation's economy, particularly  persist. Global economic growth is fore-
         gate these errors, stating, "Based on  through a downturn in tourism.  casted to be around 2.5% in the com-
         careful analysis of past accidents, col-  The conclave underscored the vital role  ing years, marking a slowdown from
         lective and ongoing efforts should be  of robust safety protocols and risk  pre-pandemic levels. While inflation
         made to discover the root causes of  management in fostering a safer and  rates  are  decreasing  in  advanced
         human error and prevent their recur-  more  reliable  aviation industry  in  economies, they remain higher than
         rence in the future." While air acci-  Nepal.                         what was seen in the past decade.

                                                                           The Insurance Times  October 2024  15
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