Page 13 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 13

ing with HIV/AIDS. Additionally, Star  customer service and operational ex-  Star Health Seeks Reinsur-
          Health is committed to upskilling visu-  cellence.
          ally impaired individuals and hiring                                 ance Collaborations in Af-
          them as health insurance agents, allow- Karnataka Declares Den-      rica and West Asia
          ing them to work at their own pace and  gue Outbreak an Epidemic     Star Health and Allied Insurance is aim-
          in familiar environments. At the policy's                            ing to establish partnerships with in-
          launch, Srikanth Bolla, CEO of Bollant  as Cases Top 25,000          surers from Africa and West Asia to ex-
          Industries, praised the initiative, stat-  The Karnataka government has offi-  plore inward reinsurance opportunities
          ing, "This policy is a message of empow-  cially declared dengue an epidemic  through GIFT City. Inward reinsurance
          erment and equal opportunity."    after the state reported over 25,000  refers to an arrangement where one
                                            cases this year. In response, the State  insurance company, the reinsurer, pro-
          G Srinivasan Appointed as         Health and Family Welfare Department  vides coverage to another insurance
                                            has issued stringent directives to build-
          CEO of Galaxy Health In-          ing owners, occupiers, and developers,  company.
          surance                           mandating measures to curb mosquito  In March 2024, Star Health secured
                                                                               approval from the International Finan-
          Galaxy Health Insurance, promoted  breeding. Failure to comply with these  cial Services Centre Authority (IFSCA) to
                                            directives will result in fines.
          jointly  by  the  TVS  Group  and  V                                 set up an IFSC International Office at
          Jagannathan, founder of Star Health &  The state has seen 12 dengue-related  GIFT City. Anand Roy, Managing Direc-
          Allied  Insurance,  has  named  G  deaths, with Bengaluru reporting the  tor of Star Health, remarked, "Many
          Srinivasan as its Managing Director and  highest number of cases (11,590) and  customers travel to India for treat-
          CEO. Srinivasan, who previously served  three fatalities. Other districts, includ-  ment, providing us with the opportunity
          as Chairman and Managing Director of  ing  Mandya,  Hassan,  Mysuru,  and  to act as both a reinsurer and concierge
          New India Assurance, brings four de-  Kalaburagi, have also reported hun-
                                                                               service provider for claim processing."
          cades of experience to his new role.  dreds of cases. In July alone, Bengaluru
          Galaxy Health received its insurance  recorded 5,000 new cases, though that  Lower GST on Health In-
          license from the IRDAI in March and is  number decreased to 3,000 in August.  surance  Could  Increase
          set to begin operations  soon.  The  The  Karnataka  Epidemic  Diseases
          company's board includes cardiologist  Regulations,  2020,  have  been  Penetration, Says DFS
          Sai Satish as Chairman and Sudarshan  amended to include new rules aimed  The Department of Financial Services
          Venu, Managing Director of TVS Mo-  at controlling the spread of dengue.  (DFS) has argued that reducing the
          tor Company, as Director. Srinivasan's  Fines for non-compliance vary by area,  Goods and Services Tax (GST) on health
          leadership is expected to guide the  with penalties ranging from Rs. 200 to  insurance  would lower premiums,
          company's entry into the health insur-  Rs. 1,000 depending on the location  thereby encouraging greater coverage
          ance market with a strong focus on  and type of establishment.       and improving insurance penetration
                                                                               in India. DFS officials believe that a
           Climate Change Likely to Drive Up Health Insurance                  temporary dip in GST revenue would
                                                                               be offset by the expansion of the in-
           Premiums                                                            sured population, aligning with the

           Health insurance premiums in India are projected to rise due to the increas-  government's "Insurance for All" vision
           ing frequency of heatwaves, flooding, and air pollution, all of which are  for 2047.
           linked to a variety of health issues. In July, a UN report noted that heatwaves  Union  Finance  Minister  Nirmala
           had already claimed over 100 lives and left more than 40,000 people ill this  Sitharaman recently defended the GST
           year. Pollution, particularly air quality, remains a significant concern, with  on medical insurance, stating that such
           studies indicating that polluted air kills approximately 33,000 people annu-  taxes existed even before GST's imple-
           ally in India, including 464 children under the age of five every day.  mentation. Her remarks came after
                                                                               demands in the Rajya Sabha to elimi-
           Hiten Kothari, Chief Underwriting Officer at HDFC Ergo General Insurance,
           confirmed that respiratory illnesses, vector-borne diseases, and gastrointes-  nate the 18% GST on medical insur-
           tinal conditions have already contributed to a 10-15% rise in claims. Kothari  ance. Road Transport Minister Nitin
                                                                               Gadkari has also urged Sitharaman to
           warned that if claims continue to rise, insurers will be forced to increase  remove the GST on both life and health
           premiums in proportion, meaning a 10% rise in claims could result in a 10%  insurance premiums, emphasizing that
           premium hike.
                                                                               the tax hinders the sector's growth.
         12    October 2024   The Insurance Times
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