Page 5 - Nokia Asgard Superannuation Information Booklet
P. 5

Making Possibilities Happen | 05

            Over time the Asgard MySuper Lifestage Investment Option will gradually shift to a more conservative asset mix. It
            does this by reducing the allocation to growth assets, such as shares and property, and increasing the allocation to
            defensive assets, such as fixed income and cash. The strategic asset allocation is the mix of growth and defensive assets
            set with the aim of achieving the investment return objective.

                            2000’s      1990’s     1980’s    1970’s   1960’s
              Level of risk / expected return  Growth assets                    1950’s     1940’s

                                   Defensive assets

 Investment options  0       10        20        30        40         50        60        70       80

                                                        Your age

            You can change your investment selection at any time. For information about how your Asgard MySuper account is
            invested including the strategic asset allocation and ranges please see the Asgard Employee Super Account Product
            Disclosure Statement, Asgard Additional Information Booklet – Part 2 – Investment or contact PSK Financial Services
            for assistance.

                                                                                                  Nokia Internal Use
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