Page 6 - Nokia Asgard Superannuation Information Booklet
P. 6

06 | Making Possibilities Happen


            Asgard MySuper Lifestage investments (default investment option)
            An administration fee discount has been negotiated for the Nokia Service Limited Super Fund.

               The following fees apply to Asgard’s MySuper Lifestage Investment Options (Default)

               Administration fee          0.05%

               Investment manager fees 1   0.50% pa of the Asgard My Super Lifestage Investment Option’s asset value

               Performance-related fee  1, 2  0.01 to 0.02  pa of the Asgard MySuper Lifestage Investment Option’s asset value
               Estimated other             0.07% to 0.12  pa of the Asgard MySuper Lifestage Investment Option’s value
               indirect costs
               Expense recovery            My Super, SMA Funds, Managed Profiles:  Nil/Waived

            1  If your account balance for a product offered by the superannuation entity is less than $6,000 at the end of the entity’s income year, the total
            combined amount of administration fees, investment fees and indirect costs charged to you is capped at 3% of the account balance. Any amount
            charged in excess of that cap must be refunded.
            2  The amount of these fees may be negotiated with your employer and Asgard. Please see the ‘Additional explanation of fees and costs’ section in ‘5.
            Fees and other costs’ in the Additional Information Booklet Part 1 – General for more information.

            SMA – Funds and Managed Profile Investment Options
            Nokia members also receive an administration fee discount of 80% on these investment options. Investment fees and
            other costs vary across individual investment options.
            For more information about the investment options and the applicable fees, it’s best to speak to PSK Financial Services
            or refer to the Asgard Employee Super Account Product Disclosure Statement (AESA PDS).
             Nokia Internal Use
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