Page 20 - Verge eMag April 2018
P. 20

Wet fire                                                                        III


               Making fire when everything is dry is easy…
               well,  mostly  easy.    There  is  a  direct
               correlation  between  how  hard  it  can  be  to
               find dry tinder, kindling, and fuel; compared
               to  how  cold  and  wet  your  feet  get  in  the
               woods.    Here  is  a  little  trick  that  takes  no
               more than a good knife, something heavy to
               hammer  with,  an  ignition  mechanism,  and
               the patience of Job.

               Unless Noah is floating by, and you’re are a
               month  into  the  monsoon  season,  then  most  branches  will  not  be  soaked  all  the  way
               through to the center.  Typically, not much than an inch or so from the bark.  All you
               need to do is get to the inside of the wood to find the dry stuff.

               Here is where the patience comes in… split the wood in two lengthwise.  Then split one
               half into quarters lengthwise.  There should be a couple pieces that resemble triangles.
               The inner point of the triangle is where the driest of the wood will be found.  If you are
               lucky  and  got  a  piece  of  pine  or  other  resin-heavy  wood,  then  it  will  be  more
               combustible resin-heavy wood, then it will be more combustible.

               Take your knife and cut the wood to separate about an inch of the inner triangle from
               the rest of the piece of wood.  Now, shave each corner of the triangle into long slivers.
               If you are awesome, then you can stop just short of the end of the wood and keep the
               shavings secured to the bottom of the piece of wood.  If some of the shavings come off,
               it’s ok, just pile them together and save for more kindling.  Your goals are to make a
               couple  sticks that have  several shavings attached  at one  end  that looks like feathers
               from some weird prehistoric bird.

               Lay  the sticks on top of  one  another without smashing  them together.  Put the loose
               shavings  on  top  of  the  sticks to  add  to  the  size  of  the  bundle.    Keep  the  bigger  dry
               pieces (about pencil size off to the side to be ready to be fed into the early stages of the
               fire).  Fire likes oxygen, and it also likes surface area of its fuel.  More oxygen that can
               get to more surface area, the faster it will burn.  It is imperative that you do not rush this,
               as you  may find  yourself starting  all over again.   Measure twice,  and  light  once… or
               something like that.
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