Page 107 - Christian Training Guide
P. 107
Shorter videos are also often preferred when making live clips on other social networks,
like Facebook, Vine, or Instagram.
With mobile video usage on the rise, a 5-10 minute video will suffice, with 20+ minute
videos serving as tent poles to draw viewers.
Some podcasts and vlogs stretch longer, but until you get the hang of things, these are the
lengths you should focus on.
Remember, quality counts. Most popular videos are shot in at least 1080p, and both 4k and
360-degree videos are on the market, while TVs are reaching beyond 8k as of this year’s
CES trade circuit.
Spend the time, money, and resources to professionally shoot, edit, and animate a video to
increase the likelihood it will be viewed more widely.
7. Consider crowd sourcing views
Market research is an important part of marketing, but to perform this research with online
videos is difficult.
You can solicit views, but you need to keep in mind YouTube’s community guidelines. Some
companies have found success using services like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to crowd
source video views.
Here’s how it works: