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Go Europe via Austria
Ever since the University of Vienna
Sommerhochschule (SHS) was
established in 1949, an international
summer school has been offered
every year. Apart from its educational
mission, one of the summer pro-
gram’s most important aims has
been restoring and promoting
mutual understanding between
Austrians and Americans that World
War II had done so much to destroy.
Today the program provides a multi-
dimensional survey of the present
development of Europe and the The intercultural dimension provided by the summer
European Union (EU). Participants program’s internationally diverse student population
will study both the decision-making has become one of the most rewarding features of
processes within the EU institutions students’ learning experience. Today, more than 30
as well as various aspects of Euro- different nationalities are represented in the student
pean political culture. The program body, up to 100 students accepted into the program,
aims at contributing to an increased creating the conditions most conducive to intercultural
understanding of the EU and its and social interaction.
possible future shape.
The Sommerhochschule operates under the academic
Students from all over the world and administrative supervision of the Rector of the
have been drawn to the program, University of Vienna. The organizers, faculty and
not only because of the outstan- sponsors believe that the Sommerhochschule’s formula
ding academic reputation of its of holistic learning – intellectual pursuit and physical
European Studies courses and the exercise in a setting of intercultural and social exchange –
excellent opportunities it offers helps reinforce mutual respect and tolerance among
students to learn German, but also participants.
because of its location directly on
the shores of one of Austria’s most We would like to invite you to study at the
scenic lakes, Lake Wolfgang, in the University of Vienna’s summer campus in Strobl
Salzkammergut region, and because and, like thousands have done before you,
of the area’s excellent sports and experience an unforgettable summer.
recreational facilities.