Page 5 - OKOK
P. 5
13 European Studies courses, the The Austrian Arbitration Academy lasts two weeks and
Arbitration Academy course, and can also be attended as an independent program.
German Languages courses on four (See p. 20–21).
levels are offered.
• European Studies courses last Before making their course selection on the application
two weeks (4 ECTS each). form students should make sure that the selected
• The Arbitration Academy course courses do not correlate in time. For details regarding
lasts two weeks (8 ECTS). the schedule please see p. 6–7.
• German language courses last
four weeks (6 ECTS each). While students have to fulfill the Sommerhochschule
requirements, course selection should also be made
In the course of the four week according to the requirements of the respective home
program students are required to university. It is recommended to discuss course selections
attend courses amounting to 10 with representatives of the home universities to ensure
ECTS credits. In order to meet this or simplify accreditation after the program.
requirement one of the following
options is possible: Admission
1. three European Studies courses Applicants have to be at least 18 years old and must
or have completed two years of studies at college or uni-
2. the Arbitration Academy course versity level in their countries of residence or have an
plus one European Studies educational background equivalent to one year at a
course or European university before the beginning of the program.
3. one German course plus one Applicants must be in attendance for the whole period
European Studies course. of the summer school, be able to take part in the number
Students may also enroll in or audit of required courses, have an adequate command of the
additional courses. The maximum English language and be in good health.
number of courses students may
attend during the summer program In order to ensure that students can prepare all materials
is four. (This includes German needed for the application in time, it is advisable to read
courses and/or courses taken for the information given in the application chapter (p. 28–29)
audit). carefully before starting the application process.