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          July 18 – August 15, 2020
          1 Session – first two weeks of lectures
          Time                       Lecturer                                     Course
           7:30 –  9:00                                                                  Breakfasf
           8:30 –10:30         Oberhammer                            Austrian Arbitration Academy – Unit 1
           8:30 –10:30         Gnan/Kwapil                             European Monetary Union
                                            Neuhold                                      The Institutional Framework of the EU
                                            Vocelka                                        European History since 1815
          10:30–10:50                                                                  Break
          10:50–12:50         Oberhammer                            Austrian Arbitration Academy – Unit 2
          10:50–12:50         Meissel                                         European Private Law – The Civilian Tradition
                                            Schloenhardt                            International Refugee Law and Policy
                                            Schwärzler- Brodesser              European Identities – Aspects of European
                                                                                                    Visual Culture
          13:00–13:45                                                                 Lunch
          14:00–17:00         Peroutka                                     Sports
          17:00–19:00         Guest lecturer                           Austrian Arbitration Academy
                                                                                                    afternoon session (three times per week)
          16:20–18:20         Serdar                                          German A1
                                            N.N.                                               German A2
                                            Freudenberger                         German B1
                                            N.N.                                               German B2
          18:20–18:30                                                                 Break
          18:30–19:00                                                                 Tutorials
          19:00–19:45                                                                 Dinner
          20:00–22:00                                                                 Interdisciplinary Seminar (twice per week)

          Sem: Seminarraum             (Bürglhaus)
          Gru: Gruppenraum              (Bürglhaus)
          BÜ Saal: Bürglsaal               (Bürglhaus)
          SH Saal 1: Seehaussaal 1  (Seehaus)
          SH Saal 2: Seehaussaal 2  (Seehaus)

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