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Transcripts and Diplomas active participation by the students. Therefore regular
Transcripts of grades will be given classroom attendance is mandatory for all courses.
to those students who attend Students absent from classes without leave will not be
classes regularly and who pass the graded.
exams in the required number of
Students who successfully attend
and complete four courses will re-
ceive the SHS Diploma in European
Those who have a GPA of 1.25 on
the basis of Austrian grading for
their diploma courses will receive a
diploma with highest distinction.
Classroom Attendance
Classroom attendance is vitally
important for a successful comple- Cancellation of Courses
tion of each course, particularly in The Sommerhochschule reserves the right to cancel any
those classes which rely on class- course for which the number of registered students is
room discussion or other forms of deemed insufficient, or for other compelling reasons.